Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/204

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1 90 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. pool. Near him are a cottage and two dead tree-trunks. In the left dis- tance is a little church. Panel, 14^ inches by 13 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 30, 1909, No. 136. 60 1. A WOODLAND LAKE. In the left foreground is a small strip of ground with a tree-trunk. Beyond is a still pool, stretching away from right to left. On the farther bank to the right is a line of tall trees, which extend far away to the left distance. In the right foreground is a tree, broken half-way up, with a felled tree in the water in front. On the pool in the centre is a boat with two men ; one of them is dressed in red. Signed with the monogram ; canvas, 26 inches by 29^ inches. In the collection of A. Roehn, Paris either the father, whose collection was sold in 1868, or the son, whose collection was sold in 1865. In the collection of Dr. Kuranda, Vienna. In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer, " Catalogue of 300 Paintings," 1898, No. 178. In the collection of the late C. T. Yerkes, New York ; in the sale, New York, April 5, 1910, though not described in the edition de luxe of the sale catalogue. In the possession of the Munich dealer Julius B5hler. In the possession of the Paris dealers Steinmeyer and S. Bourgeois. 602. A Wood with a Marshy Pool. Sm. 296. On the right a clay road winds over a low hill beside a wood and round a bank on which stands a fine old oak. To the left is a pool, overgrown with water- plants ; two tree-trunks lie on the bank. In the middle distance is a sunlit cottage amid trees. A traveller sits by the roadside. A man and a boy approach. Described by Sm. from a lithograph by Ekerman. 603. A River Scene with an Angler. Sm. 298. On the left is a wood, in front of which two decayed trees, one of them a beech, bend over a stream. On the right is a wide sheet of water. A boat with three men is near a little wooded island. In front two cows stand in the water. Beyond them a youth sits on a decayed tree, angling. Described by Sm. from an engraving by Boisseau. 604. A Wooded and Marshy Landscape. A marsh, with water- lilies here and there, extends from the centre foreground over the middle distance. To right and left is a very thin wood. In the left foreground is a tree-stump ; the trunk lies near. In the right foreground a man sits beside the water, angling. In the distance is a town with a church. A broad picture. Described from a print in the catalogue of a sale by Roos and Co., Amsterdam, No. 839. 605. A WOODED LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE. Cattle are on both sides of a road. A woman milks a cow. The picture has been very much damaged, so that its genuineness seemed at one time