Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/223

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xin JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 209 In the collection of the Marquess of Hertford. In the Wallace Collection, London, 1908 catalogue, No. 197. 663. THE SLUICE. Sm. 25 and 45. A sandy road, partly over- grown with grass and bushes, leads directly from the foreground over a brick bridge, to the left of which is a sluice with the gates closed. The water to the left is almost hidden by an oak in front. To the right of the bridge a stream flows from the right foreground to the left distance. On the farther bank sits an angler. Three sheep graze on the meadow, bounded in the distance by willows and other trees. Cloudy sky. A fresh and attractive picture. Signed with the monogram ; panel, 15 inches by 21 inches. Engraved in reverse by Wieth in the Choiseul Gallery, No. 24. Exhibited at the Hudson-Fulton Celebration, Metropolitan Museum, New- York, 1909, No. 109. In the Block collection, from which William Lormier bought it on February 26, 1744 (for 60 florins) ; noted in W. Lormier's store-room catalogue of December 1754, No. 237. Sales. W. Lormier, The Hague, July 4, 1763 (Terw. 328), No. 226 (200 florins). Due de Choiseul, Paris, April 6, 1772, No. 66 (706 francs). Prince de Conti, Paris, April 8, 1777 (2400 francs). Morelli, Paris, 1786 (1450 francs). Le Brun, Paris (2123 francs). Sm. does not say in which year this sale took place. G. Th. A. M. Baron van Brienen van de Grootelindt of The Hague, Paris, May 8, 1865, No. 32. E. Secretan, Paris, July I, 1889, No. 160. In the collection of Mrs. John W. Simpson, New York. 664. THE BURST OF SUNSHINE (" Le Coup de Soleil "). Sm. ii. A road leads diagonally across the picture from the left fore- ground to the right distance. On the left a horseman in a red cloak rides forward ; a beggar asks him for alms. A dog runs in front. In the centre the road crosses a stone bridge of four arches over a river to a ruined square tower with an archway. The broad river flows to the right, where three persons bathe near rocks in mid stream. On the farther bank are hills, with a ruined castle half-way up the slope. To the right is a wind-mill ; farther back is a village with a church tower. A ray of sunlight, breaking through thick clouds, falls on a field in the left middle distance. The figures, though ascribed in the catalogue to Ph. Wouwerman, are by Ruisdael himself. The picture is strongly in- fluenced by Rembrandt's landscapes, especially in composition. [Cf. 788.] Signed with the monogram on the left ; canvas, 33 inches by 39 inches. Engraved by Laurent in the Musee Franfais. In the collection of King Louis XVI. In the Louvre, Paris, 1902 catalogue, No. 2560; it was valued by the experts in 1816 (at 15,000 francs). 665. LANDSCAPE WITH A STREAM. The stream flows VOL. IV P