Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/226

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212 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. river with ships and with a house on one bank and a church on the other. In the left foreground are clumps of trees in full leaf and some decayed tree-trunks. A shepherd drives a flock of sheep forward. Travellers cross the bridge. A sombre sky with rain-clouds. Canvas, 54 inches by 68 inches. In the collection of Lady Cooper, London, 1842 (Sra.). 674. The Sluice. The sluice is made of great beams on two stone walls. One gate is open, allowing the water to flow quietly ; in front are rushes and water-plants. In front of the stone wall of the sluice an oak shades the foreground ; its foliage stands out vividly against a cloudy sky. Panel, 48 inches by 62 inches. Sale. Cardinal Fesch, Rome, March 17, 1845, No. 211 No. 257 of the 1841 catalogue. 674/7. Landscape with a Little Bridge. In front is a road lined with trees. On the road is a dog. Farther away, near a little bridge, is a man. Panel, 14! inches by 12 inches. Sale. P. J. and B. van der Muelen of Koblenz, Amsterdam, August 22, 1850, No. 57. 674^. A Hilly Landscape in Gelderland. In front is a wooden bridge over a stream. On a hill in the middle distance is a cottage. In the centre is a group of fine oaks. In the distance is a view of a pleasant landscape. Panel, 19 inches by 24^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, August 23, 1850, No. 26. 674*:. A River Landscape with a Wooden Bridge. Men cross the bridge. Sale. W. D. Farrer, London, 1858 (184 : i6s., Lord Forrester). 674^. A Peasant driving Sheep over a Wooden Bridge. Sale. London, 1860 (^140 : 145., Pearce). 674*. Landscape with Peasants driving Sheep over a Bridge. In the torrent lies a fi*. A tall picture. Sale. C. Scarisbrick, London, 1861 (105, Rutley). 675. The Sluice. Sm. 311. On a broad stream near the edge of a wood, two men guide a raft of logs and rushes. To the left is a dam with a sluice having three timber gates. Near it, a sportsman with a yellow coat and a large hat walks into the wood, followed by two dogs. Between them is a large crab-pot. Farther away on the road walks a man with a basket on his back. An elm grows at the water's edge : great oaks stand on the outskirts of the wood ; farther away are bushes ; in the left distance is a thick wood. In the right background are a field and a blue hill. Gloomy sky. Said by Sm. to be a pendant to 638, but this seems unlikely.