Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/228

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2i 4 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. In the centre is an old leafless tree. Figures by A. van de Velde. "A clear and excellent production" (Sm.). Signed in full j canvas, 37! inches by 50^ inches. Exhibited at South Kensington Museum, London, 1891, No. 29. In the collection of Philip Henry Hope, 1835 (Sm.). In the collection of Lord Francis Pelham Clinton Hope, Deepdene, 1891 ; sold as a whole in 1898 to the London dealers P. and D. Colnaghi and A. Wertheimer. 67 8. A River Landscape with a Bridge. Houses. Sale. London, November 24, 1900, No. 33. 67 8. A Wooded River Landscape with a Bridge and Cattle. 33 inches by 39 inches. Sale. Britten Slee and others, London, March 25, 1901, No. 38. 6-jSc. A Wooded River Landscape with a Rustic Bridge. A shepherd drives sheep. 19^ inches by 24^ inches. Sale. London, May 3, 1902, No. 64. 678^. A River Landscape with a Bridge and Anglers. 27! inches by 37 inches. Sale. Lady Page Turner and others, London, February 21, 1903, No. 88. 678*. A Hilly Landscape with a Bridge over a River. Horsemen and figures on a road. 20 inches by 24^ inches. Sale. London, March 14, 1903, No. 39. 6787: A River Landscape with a Rustic Bridge. Farms. Panel, 35 inches by 45 inches. Sale. Duke of Marlborough and others, London, May 14, 1904, No. 75. 679. THE BRICK BRIDGE. Sm. 80, and Suppl. 43. A village road lined with trees winds from the right foreground in a gentle curve to the left distance along a ruin which fills much of the left and front of the picture. In the right centre the road crosses a red brick bridge, on which two men are about to step. To the right at the roadside is a wooden gate, through which a path leads to a farm amid trees. In the left distance is a wind-mill. The still water reflects the bridge and trees. On the water to the left a man rows a boat away. Light clouds in the sky. An early work. Signed ; canvas, 25^ inches by 32 inches. Sales. C. A. de Calonne, London, March 23, 1795, No. 40 (162 : 153. or jC J 73 : 5 s - according to Sm. and Ch. Blanc, ii. 169). Ralph Fletcher of Gloucester, London, June 9, 1838 (106 : is.) it was in this collection in 1835 (Sm.). C. Scarisbrick, London, May 11, 1861 according to Sedelmeyer's catalogue.