Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/234

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220 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. 692^. A River Landscape. On the bank is a fort with two towers. In front, fishermen draw nets from the water. Panel, 14 inches by 12 inches. Sale. E. Hardy, Frankfort-on-Main, October 14, 1878, No. 126 (120 mark). 692^. In front of a Town. On a sandy road, which runs from the right foreground along a river with boats, two men with a child walk towards a town in the distance. A wooden bridge. Signed on the bridge with the monogram ; canvas, 20 inches by 17 inches. Sale. Prince Demidoff, San Donate, March 15, 1880, No. 1099. 692^. A River Landscape. Two men in a boat on a placid river. Lofty oaks on the banks. Panel, 16 inches by 20 inches. Sale. Ruelens, Brussels, April 17, 1833, No. 237. 692*. A River Landscape with an Angler. The setting sun is about to disappear behind a dense mass of trees on the steep bank ; the trees are reflected in the water. On the left bank is an angler in a red jacket. Signed with the monogram ; panel, 5^ inches by 6 inches. Sak.D. P. Sellar, Paris, June 6, 1889, No. 64. 692/1 A Wooded Plateau with a Little Stream. On a small plateau covered with clumps of high trees is a cottage, with figures in front. In the foreground, near great rocks, is a little stream with two fishermen. On the left in flat country is an avenue of high trees. Signed in full the name is spelt Ruysdael ; panel, 10 inches by nj inches. Sale. Clave-Bouhaben, Cologne, June 4, 1894, No. 115 (500 mark). 693. A WOODED RIVER LANDSCAPE. A cottage, and figures drawing in a net. The coloured figures have been painted in later. Panel, 10 inches by 13 inches. Sale. Chandos Reade and others, London, July 13, 1895, No. 32 (.131). 694. LANDSCAPE WITH A PLACID STREAM. A placid stream, flowing away to the left, fills almost the whole width of the fore- ground. On the steep bank to the left is a tall tree. In the middle distance the steep sandy bank is vividly lighted ; here two men are at work on a tree-trunk. Farther to the left are two sheep. On the stream is a boat. In the right foreground two white tree-trunks lie on a road, which leads along and up the bank. On the road is a shepherd with sheep. In the distance is a wood; to the right is a cottage half-hidden amid trees. To the left is a distant view. Signed in full, and dated 1647 ; panel, 26^ inches by 38^ inches. Exhibited at Berlin, 1890, No. 250.