Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/247

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xiii JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 233 Canvas, 20 inches by 26 inches. Sale. Dulong, Amsterdam, April 18, 1768, No. 12 (72 florins, Yver). 736*. Animals standing in Water. In the foreground of a fine landscape. A post-waggon halts at an inn. Beyond are travellers on horseback and on foot. Carefully and naturally painted. Canvas, 31 inches by 42 J inches. Sale. Amsterdam, March 6, 1769, No. 78. 736/1 Landscape with Many Trees. Figures near water. Panel, 15^ inches by i8| inches. Sale. M. J. Cosson and others, Leyden, October 21, 1772, No. 41 (8 florins 5). 736^. Landscape with a Still Pool. At the side is a cottage. Panel, 9 inches by 8 inches. Sale. J. H. Troost van Groenendoelen, Amsterdam, August 29, 1774, No. 98 (6 florins 25). 736/2. A Very Fine Landscape with Water. Sale. Middelburg, August 8, 1777, No. no. 736*'. Landscape with Water. Panel, 9^ inches by 13 inches. Sale. P. Bout, The Hague, April 20, 1779, No. 82 (40 florins). 7367. Landscape with Water. Panel, 2o inches by 25^ inches. Sale. P. Bout, The Hague, April 20, 1779, No. 102 (5 florins 15). 736^. Still Water. Ships and hills in the distance. In front is a fortress. Many figures. Panel, about 15^ inches by 20 inches. Sale. Middelburg, April 20, 1779, No. 151. 7367. Landscape with Water. Through the water in front walks a woman leading a boy by the hand. i8i inches by 2i inches. Sale. J. de Haan and L. van der Vinne, Haarlem, June 12, 1781, No. 3. 736/w. Landscape with a Watercourse in front. Figures by Ostade. 37! inches by 34^ inches. Sale. Antwerp, July 5, 1784, No. 109 (42 florins, Peeters). 736. Landscape with Water. Panel, 8 inches by 12 inches. Sale. P. Lyonet, Amsterdam, April 1 1, 1791, No. 224 (i florin 5, Gruijter).