Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/258

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244 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. Panel, 20| inches by 25! inches. Sale. J. Danser Nijman, Amsterdam, August 16, 1797, No. 229 (9 florins 5). 768<f. Landscape with Water near an Old Castle. A draw- bridge. Fishermen in boats. A wide view of the distance. Panel, 28^ inches by 37 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, May 20, 1799, No. 128 (45 florins, Coders). 769. A River Landscape (or, The Woodcutter). Sm. 75. On the right are hills, with a river flowing at their base. To the left are high hills with masses of low trees ; on the top is an old castle with other build- ings. A steep path leads down to a river, on which is a boat with fisher- men. In front are various figures attributed by Sm. to Vernet. Among them are a woodcutter, and another man who converses with a seated woman in a red dress. Canvas, 36^ inches by 45 inches. Sales. Tricot, London, 1793 (280). London, 1807 (252). 7690. A Ruined Church. In the foreground of a hilly landscape, a ruined church stands near a stream which winds through the landscape. A huntsman with dogs. Canvas, 21 J inches by 25^ inches. Sale. B. Ocke, Leyden, April 21, 1817, No. 119 (25 florins, Ocke). 770. A Castle. It stands on a hill covered with thick bushes. A sandy road winds away past the hill into the distance. In front is a stream. Good figures. Canvas, 22| inches by 29 inches. Sale. H. A. van der Heuvel, Utrecht, June 27, 1825, No. 49 (820 florins, bought in). 771. A Ruined Cottage. Sm. 77. A ruined cottage stands against a brick house, apparently an inn. A traveller has dismounted from a grey horse, which is held by a boy. Near the front a traveller sits by the road- side. Dark storm-clouds. The figures are attributed by Sm. to Ph. Wouwerman. Canvas, 2O inches by 24 inches. Sales. Destouches, Paris, March 21, 1794 (980 francs). R. Reinagle, London, 1832 (68 : 55.). 772. A Hilly Landscape. Sm. 284. Apparently a scene in or near the Rhine valley. To the left is high rocky ground, covered with clumps of oaks and other trees. A road crosses a ravine by a wooden bridge, over which a woman and a boy drive six sheep. Beyond are two men at the turn of the road. To the right, steps in the rock lead to a red-tiled cottage. On the right a river flows obliquely across the landscape. On a hill rising from the water is an old castle. " A clear and excellent pro- duction " (Sm.).