Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/280

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266 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. 852. Dunes with a House. A sandy landscape with clumps of trees and bushes in hot sunlight. On the right at the foot of a hill a peasant drives his flock. At the door of a house is a young woman hold- ing a distaff j near her is a dog. In the centre a horseman drains the glass which a young woman has handed him ; near the woman sits a man with a dog asleep at his feet. A woman with a bundle on her head comes down the hill towards the group. On the hill two persons are parting. Cloudy sky with little light. The figures are by Ruisdael himself. Canvas, 30 inches by 23^ inches. Sale. J. J. Chapuis, Brussels, December 4, 1865, No. 351 (7600 francs, Snoek). 853. A Village on a River-Bank. Figures. Almost certainly identical with one of the pictures mentioned by Sm. in the Munro collection ; compare 61, 403, 644, 717, 719^. Sale. Munro of Novar, London, 1867 (^212, Nieuwenhuys). 854. Landscape with Three Thatched Cottages. A sandy road shadowed by a great tree. A pool in front. Panel, 23 inches by 28 inches. Sale. Delessert, Paris, March 15, 1869, No. 81 (2600 francs). 854^7. A Broad View of a Town. Near a large sheet of water. Cattle are being ferried across in a boat. A sailing vessel. In the dis- tance is the town with the landing-place and a water-mill. Sale. F. P. Tim and others, Amsterdam, October 19, 1869, No. 50. 854^. A Rainy Landscape. On a hill in front are three trees and two cottages. Farther back, across a little stream, is bushy country. In the distance are the two towers of a church. Signed with the monogram ; panel, io| inches by i inches. Sale. J. Dintle and others, Vienna, November 23, 1869, No. 138. 855. An Avenue of Great Trees. The trees cast shadows on a road and a canal passing a farm on the right, where are two firs. The sun breaks through clouds and shines on a meadow in the middle distance. Figures. Signed in full ; canvas, 26 inches by 21 inches. Sale. D. Vis Blokhuyzen of Rotterdam, Paris, April i, 1870, No. 62 (6600 francs). 855^. Landscape with a Village and a Bridge. In the Rendron collection. Sale. Lord Ashburton, London, June 3, 1871 (136 : ios., bought in). 855^. A House. Washing linen. Sale. Herbert, London, 1873 (189, Newman). 855^. A Wooded Landscape. A cottage under a great fir on the right. Canvas, 26 inches by 2i| inches. Sale. Amsterdam, October 27, 1874, No. 76.