Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/283

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xin JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 269 866. A LITTLE COTTAGE. Near a clump of trees in a hilly landscape. Two figures outside. 8 inches by n inches. Sale. Foucart, Valenciennes, October 12, 1898, No. 97. 867. Landscape with a Farm. To the left beyond groups of high trees is a farm. Past it leads a hilly road, on which is a peasant with a boy and a dog. On the right a little stream flows away. In the distance in a sunny meadow are herdsmen with cattle. Panel, io inches by n inches. In the Essingh collection. Sale. Lempertz, the elder, Cologne, October 17, 1898, No. 274. A VILLAGE BY A STREAM. At the foot of a range of hills are houses amid trees. The stream forms in the centre foreground a waterfall, over which is a little bridge, on which are a flock of sheep and two horsemen. To the left are a broad road and a hill with high trees. Signed in full in the centre ; 2i| inches by 26| inches. Sale. Wedewer, Berlin, May I, 1899, No. 204. 869. A Meadow in front of a Farm. The farm is amid groups of high trees on the right. The meadow stretches away to a little wood in the distance. To the left are a watercourse and gnarled tree-trunks, which have been felled. A herdsman with cattle ; a seated man converses with a traveller. Signed in full ; panel, 16 inches by 22 inches. Sale. Rath and others, Cologne, October 14, 1901, No. 208. 870. Cottages. Cottages under trees stand on both sides of a road which leads into the distance. In the left foreground is a well near a pool. Cloudy sky. Sunlit middle distance. Panel, 16 inches by 20 inches. Sale. Munich, October 29, 1903, No. 61. 871. Landscape with Figures. In the right foreground are trees, about as high as the picture. They shade a cottage divided by a stream from a road which is lined with trees and bushes. Here, in the left middle distance, are several figures. Silvery grey sky. Panel, i8| inches by 24^ inches. Sale. A. van der Finck, Brussels, November 25, 1904, No. 92. 872. Landscape with Figures. A little stream flows away between a meadow and a clump of leafy trees, which shade a little cottage. Cattle graze on the meadow before the cottage. To the right are two fishermen in a boat. Cloudy sky. Canvas, 19 inches by 22 inches. Sale. A. van der Finck, Brussels, November 25, 1904, No. 93. 872*. A Wooded Landscape. A barn to the right. A house being built on the left. [Possibly identical with 794.]