Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/308

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294- JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. a sailing-boat going to the right with the sail flapping in the wind. Beyond to the right another boat seems to be sailing towards the left distance. Farther to the right a third boat goes towards the right distance. Lightning flashes from the clouds. To the right is a rainbow. Dark blue sea. Canvas, 14 inches by 17^ inches. Exhibited at Copenhagen, 1891, No. 195. In the Holstein collection, Holsteinborg, Sjaland. 953. A STORMY SEA. In the left and centre foreground is piling, on which the rough grey sea breaks in foam. In the left middle distance a boat with a brown sail comes forward. Beyond to the left another boat sails towards the right. In the right middle distance a rowing- boat goes to the left. Bluish clouds. Signed in full ; canvas, 19 inches by 22 inches. Exhibited at Copenhagen, 1891, No. 194. In the Holstein collection, Holsteinborg, Sjaland. 954. A Stormy Sea. Fishing-boats run before the wind. Great waves break on a landing-place. Two of the boats have dark sails. On the right is the entrance to a harbour with a beacon. A very dark picture, not well enough hung to be confidently judged. Signed with the monogram ; 2o| inches by 26 inches. In the Chanenko collection, Kieff, 1899 catalogue, No. 306. 955. A RESTLESS SEA. In the left foreground is the flat coast- line, with a signal-mast, and on the extreme left two fishermen with a basket. Beyond, in the left middle distance, are two warships. On the right, near the front, a sunlit fishing-boat sails away. Two other boats, to the right and left farther back, also sail towards the distance. Canvas, 28 inches by 37^ inches. Exhibited at Diisseldorf, 1904, No. 373. In the collection of G. Martius, Kiel. 956. A STORMY SEA-PIECE. The waves break on a jetty in the right foreground. In the middle distance are two fishing-boats, heeling over to the breeze. To the left is a tower. Blue sky, with storm-clouds to the right. Canvas, 17^ inches by 21 inches. Exhibited in the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1891, No. 66. Sale. A. Levy, London, June 16, 1876 (^304 : IDS., Salting). In the collection of George Salting, London, bequeathed in 1909 to the National Gallery. In the National Gallery, London, No. 2567. 957. A ROUGH SEA. Dark cloudy sky. In the right centre a fishing-boat with a sunlit white sail and a great Dutch flag at the bow goes away to the left. Farther towards the left distance is a boat with three persons. Beyond are four fishing-boats, with a rowing-boat beside one of them. In the right distance are a warship and two other vessels. The water is partly in deep shadow. In the left foreground is a break-