Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/310

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296 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. In the collection of Sir Thomas Baring, London. In the collection of the Earl of Northbrook, London, 1889 catalogue, No. 94. 960. STORMY SEA. In the dark foreground to the left a pier with a beacon at the end stretches out into the sea. The waves break on it, and in the middle distance are illumined with sunlight through a rift in the dark clouds. On the pier are two small figures of men, one of whom has a fishing-pole. Beyond, a sailing-boat beats up against the waves. On the extreme right is another pier parallel to the lower edge of the picture. In the distance are other boats ; a large sailing-boat is on the horizon. An imposing work. Canvas, 39 inches by 48 inches. Exhibited in the Rembrandt Exhibition, Montreal, 1906, No. 10 ; and at the Hudson -Fulton Celebration, Metropolitan Museum, New York, 1909, No. 112. Sales. Amsterdam, July 17, 1782, No. 98 (620 florins). Wolverton, London. Earl of Orford, London, June 26, 1856 (Munro). H. A. J. Munro, London, June i, 1878, No. 97 (1470, Graves). In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer, " Catalogue of 300 Paintings," 1898, No. 185. In the collection of Leopold Goldschmidt, Paris. In the collection of James Ross, Montreal. 961. A STORM AT SEA OFF THE DYKES OF HOLLAND. Sm. 37. On the right is a dyke lined with piles, beyond which is a fisherman's cottage with a few trees. On the left corner of the dyke, great waves are breaking. Farther back rise the masts of several large vessels, as well as the stern with a Dutch flag. To the left, still farther away, is the bow of a sailing-ship, pointing to the left. Almost in the centre are five men in a rowing-boat. On the left a three-masted ship goes towards the right distance. On the horizon is a village. In the water in front are two piles. A transient gleam of light comes from the dark and stormy sky. The sunlit water in the right foreground is especially fine. In other respects the effect is somewhat restless. Signed in full on the right at foot ; canvas, 44 inches by 62 inches. The following copies are recorded : 1. Sale. J. T. Frere and others, London, July 5, 1907, No. 39 (18:185.). 2. Sale. E. Goldschmidt of Frankfort-on-Main, Berlin, April 27, 1909, No. 36 (4500 marks). 3. A very good copy in a private collection in Vienna. 4. Sale. A Bremen private collector and others, Munich, March 17, 1910, No. 158 measuring 28 inches by 35^ inches. Sale. P. Locquet, Amsterdam, September 22, 1783, No. 314 (1410 florins, Yver). In the Louvre, Paris, 1902 catalogue, No. 2558 ; it was valued by the experts in 1816 (at 25,000 francs). 962. SEA-PIECE. A large, dark, early work. Dated 1649 ; panel.