Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/332

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3 i8 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. 1024. A Winter Landscape. Sm. 1 19. Along the front is a canal, beyond which is a cottage, with a wind-mill beyond. In the distance is a country-house. On the right hand a peasant descends from a platform placed against some brick arches. Another man with a dog is in the centre ; a third man is on the right. " Carefully finished " (Sm.). [Pendant to 1025.] Canvas, 15^ inches by i6| inches. Sales. Sabatier, Paris, March 20, 1809 (1800 francs). John Maitland, London, July 30, 1831 (.51 : 93.). 1025. A Winter Landscape. Sm. 120. Four men and a dog are on a frozen canal in front. On the further bank are bushes, beyond which are a barn, a cottage, and a wind-mill, with another wind-mill in the distance. "Carefully finished" (Sm.). [Pendant to 1024.] Canvas, 15^ inches by i6| inches. Sales. Sabatier, Paris, March 20, 1809 (1001 francs). John Maitland, London, July 30, 1831 (47 : 5s.). 1025*7. A Winter Landscape. With good accessories. Canvas, 13 inches by 16 inches. Sale. W. J. Schellink, and others, Rotterdam, April 24, 1834, No. 57 (149 florins, Hulswit). 1026. A Winter Landscape. Sm. 205. A small clump of trees rises from a bank in the centre. In the left distance are buildings and a round tower. Panel, 9 inches by n inches. In the collection of J. R. West, Alcote, 1835 (Sm.). 1026*. A Snowy Landscape. Dark cloudy sky. Strongly painted in a natural tone. Canvas, 24^ inches by 32^ inches. Sale. Bleuland, Utrecht, May 6, 1839, No. 291. 1027. A Winter Landscape. Sm. 92, and Suppl. no. On the bank of a frozen canal is a village, with warehouses on the water-front. A boat lies in the snow. Figures are walking or skating on the ice. Boys are snowballing ; one of them has fallen. Dark sky. An " excel- lent picture " (Sm.). Canvas, 25 inches by 37 inches. Sales. Jan Gildemeester, Amsterdam, June II, 1800, No. 191 (825 florins, Labouchere). Sir Simon Clarke, Bart., and G. Hibbert, London, May 14, 1802 G.73 : 10S 0- Sir Simon Clarke, Bart., London, May 8, 1840 (210). 102 ja. A Winter Landscape. Figures. Canvas, 20 inches by 26 inches. Sale. Brussels, September 27, 1842, No. 14. 1028. A Winter Landscape. Sm. Suppl. 68. Snow. A cottage and trees. [Pendant to 843.]