Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/339

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xiii JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 325 on an oak-stump. A companion comes along a winding path towards him. In the distance are two figures, partly hidden from view. Panel, 34 inches by 24^ inches. Sale. Ruelens, Brussels, April 17, 1883, No. 235. 1042^. Travellers halting at an Inn. Sale. Sir E. M. Elton, London, 1885 (94 : IDS., Lesser). 1042^-. An Approaching Storm. In the centre a road winds round a grassy hill. In the middle distance trees stand out against the cloudy sky, which betokens the approach of a storm. Sale. Baron de Longueve of Vaugereau, Paris, April 25, 1887 (2500 francs) ; noted by Paul Eudel, 1888, p. 186. 1042^. Landscape with a Hunt. On the left a lady fells from her horse. In front horsemen and dogs follow the chase. Canvas, 26^ inches by 33 inches. Sale. Balthasar Schmidt, Berlin, June 20, 1891, No. 27. 1043. Landscape. Through the wooded foreground flows a river towards the sea, which is visible in the distance. Villages, herds, figures. Canvas, 27 inches by 35 inches. Sale. HOpken-Melenberg and others, Berlin, May 6, 1892, No. 64. 1044. A NORTHERN LANDSCAPE WITH HILLS. In the distance is a church in fine sunlight. In the collection of the Earl of Wemyss, Gosford House. 1045. LANDSCAPE WITH A CLUMP OF TALL TREES. In front of a hill. Signed in full on the right j canvas, 27 inches by 21 1 inches. In the collection of J. Amsinck, Hamburg, bequeathed to the Kunsthalle in 1879. In the Hamburg Kunsthalle, 1887 catalogue, No. 158. 1045*7. LANDSCAPE. To right and left are tall trees. In the centre is a vista with smaller trees beyond. In front is an elder-bush. The picture wants cleaning. Panel, 1 1 inches by 13 inches. In the collection at the Hofje van Aarden, Leerdam. 1046. A ROAD ON THE SLOPE OF A HILL. In the distance are wind-mills. Cloudy sky. A clear effect of light. Painted about 1655. In the collection of Adolph Thiem, San Remo. 1047. LANDSCAPE. An early work ; strong contrast of light and shade. Panel, 23! inches by 26| inches. In the Turin Museum, 1899 catalogue, No. 444.