Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/344

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330 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. J053/ A Herdsman with Cows and Sheep. In the foreground of a landscape. 24 inches by 33! inches. Sale. Antwerp, July 5, 1784, No. 108 (101 florins, Peeters). io53. Landscape with Figures and Horses. 27 inches by 36^ inches. In the collection of Lord Harrington. Sale. Desenfans, London, 1786 (59 : 175.). 1053/z. Landscape with Travellers resting. Great trees. Panel, 23^ inches by 22 inches. Sale. M. van den Berg, Rotterdam, June 19, 1786, No. II (4 florins, Heemskerk). 1053?. Landscape with Trees and Cattle. Panel, 17 inches by 23 inches. Sale. J. F. Beschey, Antwerp, August 21, 1786, No. 48 (73 florins, Giraud). 10537. A Spacious Landscape with Figures. Panel, 8 inches by n| inches. Sale. J. F. Beschey, Antwerp, August 21, 1786, No. 50 (34 florins, Huy- brechts). 1053^. Landscape with Figures. Sky covered with rain- and storm-clouds. Canvas, 14 inches by 19 inches. Sale. J. F. Beschey, Antwerp, August 21, 1786, No. 78 (74 florins, Giraud). 10537. Landscape with Trees. Clear sky ; good figures. Panel, 16 inches by 25 inches. Sale. F. A. E. Bruynincx, Antwerp, August i, 1791, No. 73. 1053^. A Hilly Landscape. High trees to the left. Two figures on an uphill road. Canvas, 19^ inches by 24^ inches. Sale. J. C. Werther, Amsterdam, April 25, 1792, No. 255. 1054. A Beautiful Landscape. Sm. 72. Cattle and figures by A. van de Velde. Sale. J. A. Gresse, London, 1794 (42-). 1054*7. Landscape with Figures. 54 inches by 40 inches or 21 inches by 16 inches. Sale. E. Noble, London, 1794. 1054^. Landscape: Morning. The centre is especially good. In the Grand-Pre collection.