Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/353

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xin JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 339 1065^. A Pleasant Landscape. Canvas, 7 inches by 9 inches. Sale. J. van der Maas, and the widow of P. van Spijk, Rotterdam, June 30, 1783, No. 62 (29 florins, Brouw). 1066 and 1067. Two Landscapes. Sm. 83, 84. [Pendants.] Small pictures. Sale. Bryan, London, May 17, 1798, No. 29 (26 : 10 : 6, according to Buchanan, i. 282 but ^25 : IDS., according to Sm.). 1068. Three Landscapes. It is uncertain whether the following refer to the same three pictures : Sales. C. Troost, S. Arensklauw, and others, Amsterdam, March 16, 1750, Nos. 116, 172, and 174. H. Wolters, Amsterdam, May 4, 1757, Nos. 78, 85, 112. Robit, Paris, May 21, 1801, Nos. 88, 183, 184 (in Bryan's cata- logue) ; mentioned by Buchanan (ii. 69, 72). 1069. Two Landscapes. It is uncertain whether the following all refer to the same pictures, which were praised in the catalogues : Sales. The Hague, April 24, 1737 (Terw. 14), No. 59 (19 florins), and (Terw. 16), No. 104 (17 florins 5). Amsterdam, April 15, 1739 (Hoet, i. 585), No. 185 (59 florins). Maria Drolenvaux, widow of Thomas Parker, Leyden, April 29, 1743, No. 15 (8 florins 10), and No. 16 (2 florins 10, Jan de Groot). Amsterdam, September 25, 1743 (Hoet, ii. 128), No. 70 (33 florins). Sonne and others, Amsterdam, July 5, 1759, No. 102 (2 florins, Jan Carre), and No. 103 ( I florin 10, Dick Carre). Dirk Kindt and others, The Hague, September 27, 1762 (Terw. 283), No. 15 probably No. 188 of the original catalogue (60 florins, Haeften), and No. 16. Amsterdam, May 24, 1815, Nos. I and 2 (6 florins each, Vinkeles). 1069^7. Landscape. About 31 inches by 34 inches. Sale. Hoorn, July 8, 1817, No. 136 (2 florins). 1069^. Landscape. Panel, 5 inches by 6| inches. Sale. (Supplementary) Baron de Castell, Hamburg, July 21,1 824, No. 334. 1069*:. A Good Landscape. Panel, 13 inches by 14 inches. Sale. H. A. van Bleiswijk, Rotterdam, July 23, 1827, No. 124 (95 florins, Burton). 1069^. Landscape. In the Esterhazy collection, Vienna, 1835 catalogue, p. 76, No. ii, and there in 1844 (Parthey, ii. 461).