Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/378

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364 MEINDERT HOBBEMA SECT. is on the edge of a pond in the right foreground. To the right of the cottage a church-tower rises above trees, which are reflected in the pond. To the left are the low cottages of a village, with a wind-mill in the left distance and trees. In the left foreground a cask stands on a sandy green. A man in red approaches the cottage door, where stands a woman wearing a white cap and a white apron over a blue bodice and red skirt. Immedi- ately over the cottage is a dark reddish-purple cloud, above which is blue sky. The picture gives an unpleasant impression, because the cottage stands out prominently while the landscape is thrown back. Ascribed to W. Knijff by Bode. Panel, loj inches by 14^ inches. In the collection of Archibald M'Lellan, Glasgow ; mentioned by Waagen, 1854 (iii. 290); bought with the collection by the city of Glasgow, May 1856. In the Glasgow Art Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 468. 34. A COTTAGE UNDER OAKS. The cottage is shaded by stately oaks with brown foliage. To the left is a view of open country. In front, where two roads fork, a man in a hat converses with a woman in a red skirt. Nearer the front is a dog. Blue sky with white clouds. Signed in full in the right centre at foot ; panel, 24 inches by 33! inches. Exhibited among the Renaissance masterpieces at the Munich " Secession," No. 98. Bought by Consul Weber from an Antwerp dealer in 1901. In the Weber gallery, Hamburg, 1907 catalogue, No. 322. 35. Houses and Barns near a Church amid Trees. To the right is a canal ; two men in red are in a boat. Restless in composition. Some passages, especially the branches and stems of the trees, are very characteristic of Hobbema. It is therefore impossible to say definitely that the picture is not by him. In the Peltzer collection, Cologne. In the possession of the Cologne dealer Niessen. 36. VIEW OF THE DUNES. In the centre foreground is a sandhill on which sunlight falls from the right. Beyond it a road winds from the left foreground to the right distance along a stream which curves downward in the left centre. In the middle distance is a clump of trees. In the right distance are sunlit dunes. The cloudy sky fills more than the upper half of the picture. In the left foreground is a man with a dog on the road. A study from nature. It reminds one of the earliest works of Van Goyen and A. Cuyp ; but in the treatment of the greyish-green foliage, the shape of the clouds, and the rendering of the foreground, as well as in the rich impasto, it accords in style with Hobbema's later work. Signed in full on the right at foot with a signature that is barely legible ; panel, n inches by 14 inches. Sale. Haro, Paris, May 30, 1892, No. 22 (2000 francs). In the collection of the late Alfred Thieme, Leipzig, 1900 catalogue, No. 39.