Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/386

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3/2 MEINDERT HOBBEMA SECT. 59. Landscape with a Village. A view up a highroad leading almost straight into the distance. The cottages to the right are in shadow, surrounded by trees. The cottages and adjacent trees to the left are in sunlight. Panel, 1 1 inches by 15 inches. Sale. Lapeyriere, Paris, April 19, 1825 (7000 francs). 590. Landscape with a Road winding away. Trees to right and left of the road. In the shade is a cottage. Travellers. Panel, u| inches by 14 inches. Sale. Baron Vivant Denon, Paris, May I, 1826, No. 77. 59^. Landscape with a Poor Cottage. The cottage stands under oaks beside a little pool in front. The cottagers converse with a traveller. On the hill and the slope on which the cottage is built cattle are grazing a bullock, a cow, two sheep, three goats, and lambs. A dog and a cat, with household utensils. Ducks on the pool. Pigeons are on and near the roof. To the right, on a road leading over a wooded hill, are a traveller on foot and a horseman. To the left, in a plain intersected by a stream, are flocks of sheep and goats, and a fisherman in a boat. Panel, 24 inches by 32 inches. Sale. M. P. KrUger, Hamburg, September i, 1828, No. 8. 60. Landscape with a Cottage by a Pool. Round the cottage are high trees. A peasant and a woman pile sheaves. Fine reflections in the water. Panel, 12 inches by 14 inches. Sale. J. Goll van Franckenstein, Amsterdam, July i, 1833, No. 32 (1325 florins, J. de Vries). 6oa. Landscape with a Barn amid Trees. In front two persons converse. Panel, 10 inches by i inches. Sale. Baronesse de Pagniet, Utrecht, July 26, 1836, No. 7 (402 florins, Gruijter). 60*. Landscape with a Cottage. The cottage is under high trees on the right, with small figures. In front are a hilly cornfield and a pool at which a dog drinks. In the distance, beyond a cornfield with piled sheaves, are another cottage and range of hills. A fine picture, of the master's early period. Panel, 17^ inches by 22| inches. Sale. Amsterdam, December 20, 1841, No. 21. 6oc. A Dune, with a Cottage and Trees beyond. Hilly distance. An early work. Panel, 9^ inches by 12 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, December 20, 1841, No. 22. bod. A Village with Great Trees. Panel.