Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/392

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378 MEINDERT HOBBEMA SECT. A man crosses a bridge over the stream. The water, with ducks on it and reeds, fills the right foreground. Under a willow to the left is an angler in a red coat. Light clouds, sunlit from the left, in the sky. The rather dark shadows disturb the effect. The same mill appears in 1 10. Signed in full in the centre at foot on a plank in the water ; panel, 23^ inches b inches. Exhibited at Leipzig, 1889, No. 107, and at Munich, 1895, No. 25. In the collection of the Duke of Courland and Sagan, 1855 (Parthey, i. 589). In the collection of Prince von Hohenzollern-Hechingen, Lowenberg, 1858 (Parthey, i. 589). Sale. Dr. M. Schubart, Munich, October 23, 1899, ^o. 3 (85,000 mark, Dresden Gallery). In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1664 A. 73. TWO WATER-MILLS. Sm. 87 and 119. On the right a road ascends gently to a light-green sunlit place in the middle distance, to right and left of which are two undershot water-mills. The mill on the left consists of two buildings with the water-wheel between them. The light red of the tiled roofs is delicately harmonised with the light grey of the tree-trunks near and the light greyish green of the foliage. From the mill on the right a stream flows between trees to the right edge of the picture. To the left of the left-hand mill is a pool with a boat on it and a shattered tree-stump standing out of the water. Between the mills and nearer the front is a clump of two tall trees bending away from each other ; the warm dark-brown foliage is kept in the same brownish tone as the foreground. At the end of the pool is a foot-bridge with small figures ; to the left is a low wood with cottages among the trees. In the left corner of the foreground is a felled tree ; to the right are others. On the road to the right is a traveller with a stick ; another man sits by the roadside ; both have red caps. Canvas, 35 inches by 50 inches. Engraved by Vinkeles. Sales. L. B. Coders, Amsterdam, August 7, 1811, No. 31 (1700 florins, Roos, bought in). J. Goll van Franckenstein, Amsterdam, July I, 1833, No. 31 (1900 florins, Steengracht). In the Steengracht collection, The Hague ; it was there in 1835 (Sm.). 74. WATER-MILLS IN A WOOD. The mill-houses fill a large part of the picture. The figures are inconspicuous. Signed in full on the left, and dated 1662. In the collection of G. Martius, Kiel. 75. A WATER-MILL WITH A SMOKING CHIMNEY. Sm. 154. The same mill as in the Amsterdam pictures (66 and 67). It stands on the left, and the wheel in an outbuilding is seen sideways. At the left edge of the picture is the upper part of a second wheel ; a third wheel, seen in front, is on the extreme right. A group of three tall trees, cut off by the frame, is on the right. Between the mill and these trees is a pool ; in the sunlit middle distance two roads lead away from the water