Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/400

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386 MEINDERT HOBBEMA SECT. stick. In the right distance a peasant with a boy at his left walks away. The foliage of the oak in the centre is turning brown ; the timber-work of the mill is painted darkly. This is the same mill, viewed from the same spot, as that which Ruisdael painted in his picture at Amsterdam (145), dated 1661 ; but Hobbema takes a somewhat broader view of the subject. Hobbema had painted the scene in 1662 (see 108). [Compare also 88, and 100.] Signed in full in the right centre, and dated 1664 ; canvas, 39^ inches by 57 inches. Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, London, 1871 ; and at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1894, No. 60. Sales. Amsterdam, July 5, 1833, No. n (3000 florins, Gockinga). Earl of Dudley, Lonrion, June 25, 1892, No. 9 (2415). In the possession of the London dealer Martin Colnaghi, 1894. In the collection of P. A. B. Widener, Philadelphia, 1900 catalogue, No. 212. 94*. A Water-Mill. Sale. Lord Montfort, London, 1776 (^59 : 145., Borronneau). 95. Landscape with a Water -Mill. The mill stands on the farther bank of a stream amid tall trees which cast a pleasant shade on the water. On the sunlit bank in front sits an angler. In the hilly middle distance is a sunlit vista, with reflections in the water, and a man crossing a bridge. [Pendant to 186.] Panel, 23^ inches by 33! inches. Sale. E. G. van Tindinghorste, Amsterdam, March 26, 1777, No. 30 (305 florins). 95*7. Landscape with a Mill. On an uphill road with tall trees peasants are walking. At the side is a still pool. In the distance is a mill. Panel, 13 inches by 21 1 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, August 23, 1808, No. 68 (190 florins, T. Spaan). 95^. Landscape with a Water-Mill. Figures by Berchem. Sale. Bryan, London, 1809 (462 : 2s., Elwin). 96. Landscape with a Water-Mill. Sm. 33. A canal traverses the scene. A water-mill on the bank fills the whole left side. On the right is sandy soil in full sunlight, forming a fine contrast to the rich and powerful hues of the trees. Panel, 22 inches by 31 inches. Sale. De Sereville, Paris, January 21, 1812 (1805 francs). 97. Landscape with a Water-Mill. Sm. 24. Sale. Jones, London, 1812 (157 : ios.). 97#. Landscape with a Water-Mill amid Trees. Near it is an angler with a rod. Canvas, 23 inches by 29 inches.