Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/406

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392 MEINDERT HOBBEMA SECT. In the collection of the Duchesse de Berry, exhibited in London, 1834, f r private sale (priced at ^1400, and not sold). Sale. Duchesse de Berry, Paris, April 4, 1837, No. 69 (23,204 francs). In the collection of George J. Gould, Lakewood, New Jersey. 114. PEASANTS IN A WAGGON RETURNING FROM A MERRY-MAKING. Sm. 78. A high road leads through a well- wooded country, with cottages here and there. In the right foreground is a cottage partly hidden by trees. On the left are clumps of tall and leafy trees, above which rises a church tower. In the centre of the middle distance are several cottages. From one of these, several persons hurry forward to overtake a waggon drawn by two horses, and filled with merry villagers. Two men standing at the roadside cheer the party. The figures are by Lingelbach. A fine summer day. A " capital picture " (Sm.). Canvas, 35 inches by 41 1 inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1877, No. 139. Imported into England by Philip Hill, who sold it to Lord Radstock. In the collection of Abraham Robarts, London, 1835 (Sm.). In the collection of A. J. Robarts, London. 115. THE ENTRANCE TO A WOOD, WITH A FARM AND TWO ROADS. Sm. 58, and Suppl. 9. In the centre is a large farm with outbuildings surrounded by a fence. On the left it adjoins a wood ; a clump of great trees rises in front of the house. Two roads lead from the centre foreground, one going to the left, and the other winding away to the right round the farm. Along the left-hand road a man drives a horse and cart ; a peasant in a red jacket approaches him. On the right- hand road a man on a chestnut horse, with two dogs, rides away. Beyond are meadows and bushes. Only the two figures in the distance are by Hobbema. The others are by a different hand according to the catalogue, that of B. Graat. [Compare 117, which represents the same scene.] " This picture is painted with a full pencil of colour, and possesses extraordinary freshness and breadth of effect " (Sm.). Signed in full j panel, 24^ inches by 34 inches. Etched by L. Gaucherel. Exhibited at DUsseldorf, 1904, No. 324. Sale. Comte Pourtales, London, 1826 (441). In the collection of Lord Wharncliffe, 1835 > bought from him by Sm. in 1840. In the Kalkbrenner collection, Paris, 1842 (Sm.). In the Hope collection, 1855. Sales. Pereire, Paris, March 6, 1872, No. 125 (81,000 francs). Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 9, 1881, No. 321. In the collection of the late A. von Carstanjen, at present exhibited in the Aelterc Pinakothek, Munich. 115*7. A Village with Trees, and a Waggon. In front, an old woman sits in a waggon. Near her are travellers on foot, and a horseman outside an inn. Canvas, 26 inches by 31 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 13, 1770, No. 128 (18 florins).