Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/413

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xiv MEINDERT HOBBEMA 399 20^ inches by 25^ inches. Sale. Schwanberg, Paris, 1809 (523 francs, Hazard); see Ch. Blanc, ii. 257. 132. The Old Oak. Sm. Suppl. 24. A fine evening. In front is a large pool with ducks. To the right is a fine oak, whose branches overshadow the water. To the left are clumps of trees, near which a rough road winds away to the distant woods. In the middle distance is a spacious meadow, traversed by a path, and bounded by an irregular line of bushes. On the road is a horseman followed by a dog. [Pendant to 100 (see the note as to Sm.'s opinion of the pair). Compare 143.] Signed and dated 1657 (S m -)> or T ^ 2 (Blanc) ; canvas, 51 inches by 54 inches. Sales. Amsterdam, 1833 (Nieuwenhuys). Heris (Bire), Paris, March 25, 1841, No. I (23,000 francs, bought in) ; see Ch. Blanc, ii. 440 ; and see note to 100. 133. Landscape. At the edge of a wood with great oaks, a road leads away to a glade in the distance. On the horizon are hills. A man and a woman walk on the road in shadow, with a dog preceding them. Panel, 18 inches by 24^ inches. Sale. Meffre the elder, Paris, February 25, 1845, No. 41. 133*. The Edge of a Wood with a Little Village. In front is a man with a grey horse. Signed with a false signature of Wijnants ; panel, about 20 inches by 1 8 inches. Sale. Faber, Stuttgart, April 28, 1870, No. 79. 133^. Landscape. In front is a pool. To the left is a clump of tall trees. In the centre of the middle distance, a woman washes linen in front of a cottage. To the right is sandy ground. A fisherman comes forward. To the left is a hilly distance. The foreground is in half shadow. The cottage and middle distance are in full sunlight. Signed in full on the left at foot ; canvas, 14 inches by i8 inches. Sale, B. G. Roelofs, Amsterdam, April 2, 1873, No. 7. 133*:. Landscape with Great Trees. A family resting in front. Signed in full ; panel, 24^ inches by 32 inches. Sale. Jos. Stahel, Franz Mathes, and others, Frankfort-on-Main, November 1 6, 1892, No. 46. 1 34. A Woodland Road. A road leads from the centre foreground to the back. To the left is a great clump of trees. Near them on the road two men come forward ; farther back, a man walks away. On the left edge of the picture is a cottage. In front of it is another cottage amid trees. In the right foreground is a tree-stump, with two fragments of the rotten trunk. To the right is a view of the distance. This picture was only ascribed to Hobbema but, to judge from the reproduction, it is not bad.