Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/415

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xiv MEINDERT HOBBEMA 401 barn with a wooden fence before it ; beyond are three cottages. On the road a horseman rides away, followed by a man on foot and two dogs ; beyond him, a woman comes forward. There are other figures among the trees, notably a man with a pack on his back leading a cow, a girl and a man with a dog. The figures are ascribed by Sm. and by Richter to Abraham Storck, but are by Hobbema himself. A " capital picture " (Sm.). Signed in full on the left ; canvas, 39 inches by 51 inches. In the collection of the Marquess of Bute, London, Richter's 1884 catalogue, No. 80 ; it was in this collection, then at Luton, in 1835 (Sm.). 138. A WOODED LANDSCAPE WITH A SHEPHERD AND SHEEP BY A POOL. In the centre of the middle distance is a pool, which extends to the right edge of the picture. On the right and in the centre are willows, on which sunlight falls from the right. Beyond, another pool is hidden amid trees. The whole middle distance is cut off by a dense wood, through which there are narrow openings on the extreme left and in the centre. In the left foreground is a sandhill, down which a man and a boy walk towards the pool. In front is a road leading to the pool and passing through it, to emerge on the farther bank. A woman and a boy wade through the water. In front is a shepherd with six sheep. Autumn tints. Heavy clouds in the sky. The foreground and distance are in shadow ; the middle distance is in sunlight. Signed in full on the right at foot ; panel, 30 inches by 43 inches. Sale. H. de Kat of Dordrecht, Paris, May 2, 1866, No. 35 (8425 francs). In the Boymans Museum, Rotterdam, 1907 catalogue, No. 125. 139. LANDSCAPE WITH A HERDSMAN AND COWS. A wood fills the left half of the picture. Beside the wood, a road leads to the distance ; on it is a herdsman in blue with cows and sheep. A bright fresh picture, especially light in the green tints. An early work. [Compare 255.] Signed in full with the early monogram on a little ditch to the right. Exhibited in the Corcoran Gallery, Washington, 1908. In the collection of W. A. Clark, New York. 140. THE EDGE OF A WOOD ; CATTLE AT A STREAM (or, The Ford). Sm. no. At the edge of a wood to the left flows a stream, through which a herdsman drives his cattle. Beside a road leading to the water, a woman sits conversing with a man who stands before her. On the right, through some tall trees standing apart, is a view of a broad plain, with a church tower rising to the right. In the left foreground a dead tree with a whitish bark stands out against the green foliage of the wood ; a broken fragment of the tree lies near. Cloudy sky. The picture has been completely repainted and has lost all its freshness. A replica of it at Amsterdam (see Ruisdael 441) is there assigned to Ruisdael and bears his monogram, out of which some one has made a W so as to make it appear that the figures are by Wouwerman. Panel, 24 inches by 33! inches. VOL. iv 2 D