Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/421

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xiv MEINDERT HOBBEMA 407 the left of the road ; the archway leads to a large reddish building with a tower. Blue sky at top, with greyish-purple clouds on the right and left. The sky strongly reminds one of Ruisdael, but the picture is unquestionably genuine. [Possibly identical with 249.] Signed in full ; canvas, 37^ inches by 46^ inches. In the collection of Archibald M'Lellan, Glasgow, bought by the city in May 1856 ; it was seen there in 1857 by Waagen (Suppl. 459), who doubted its authenticity. In the Glasgow Art Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 466. 156. LANDSCAPE WITH WATER AND TREES. In front a man draws a net. A small brownish picture. Signed in full in the water to the right at foot ; panel, 9 inches by 13^ inches. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857, No. 700. In the collection of Earl Howe, Gopsall. 157. A WOODED LANDSCAPE WITH A ROAD AND COTTAGES. On the right is a dense clump of trees, overshadowing a reddish cottage with a grey roof ; a man leans over the half-door. A road leads away to the left from the cottage and meets another road leading away from the centre foreground. The point where the roads meet is in full sunlight. Here stand a peasant in blue, a woman in a red skirt, and a boy. On the right a man in red and a woman approach the front. In the centre distance is a cornfield with sheaves piled up ; beyond, a church tower rises amid trees. In front of them are cottages in shadow ; two others are hidden amid trees to the left ; a man seen from the back walks in front of them in the shadow. In the right foreground is a hedge ; in the left foreground are logs. Thick white clouds, with blue sky above to the left. Very brownish in tone. The figures are by Hobbema himself. Judging from the colour, one would suppose the picture to be earlier than 1663 ; but it is so free in handling that it probably belongs to the later period. [Compare 216.] Signed in full on the ground to the left ; panel, 23 inches by 33 inches. In the collection of the Marquis d'Afos. In the collection of A. von Oppenheim, Cologne, 1904 catalogue, No. 17. 158. A COTTAGE AMID TREES, AND A ROAD WITH FIGURES. Sm. Suppl. 10. A great clump of trees, in shadow, almost fills the right half of the picture. Under the trees to the right is a gabled cottage partly cut off by the frame. To the left of it, behind the tree-trunks, is a little cottage with a gable. The cottages divide a pool, with a wooden hut on the bank, from a road which lies to the left in full sunlight and leads into the distance, past groups of trees and another cottage. In front some logs lie diagonally across the road. Beyond these are a man and a woman, facing the spectator. At the door of the first cottage stands a woman ; in front are men with a dog and other figures, making nine in all. The figures are not prominent. Like 159, this is somewhat restless in the foliage and sky. But it is light in tone and not brownish, so that it probably dates later than 1663.