Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/440

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426 MEINDERT HOBBEMA SECT. right. A man and a boy converse with a man seated on a tree-trunk at the roadside. Beyond these is a man with a dog. Farther away a man and a woman come forward. Signed, and dated 1665 ; canvas, 24^ inches by 39 inches. Sales. (Possibly) Sir George Yonge, Bart., London, March 25, 1806 (420, Seguier) though this, according to Sm., may be 173. George Vivian, London, 1833 (399). In the collection of Charles Heusch, London, 1835 (Sm.) and 1854 (Waagen, ii. 255). 223*. Landscape with Great Trees and Bluish Distance. To Waagen this seemed rather to be a dark and thoughtful work by Ruisdael. Signed in full. In the collection of G. Cornwall Legh, London, 1857 (Waagen, Suppl. 189). 223^. Landscape with a Wooded Hill. On the hill are cottages and a church. It was hung too high to be properly judged. Possibly by Hobbema, according to Waagen, but as seen from a distance rather like a good work by Ruisdael. In the collection of Lord Arundell of Wardour, Wardour Castle, 1857 (Waagen, Suppl. 392). 223^. A Beech Wood at the End of a Village with a Church. Figures by A. van de Velde. Panel, 17^ inches by 14^ inches. Sale.M. Wolff, Berlin, May 25, 1857, No. 66. 223^. An Oak Wood. Figures by A. van de Velde. Signed with the monogram. In the collection of Freiherr von Hutten. Sale. M. Wolff, Berlin, May 25, 1857, No. 173. 223^. A Clump of Oaks on a Hill. A cottage beyond. Panel, about 16 inches by 22^ inches. In the collection of Prince zu Hohenzollern-Hechingen, Lowenberg, 1858 (Parthey, i. 589-90). 223/1 A Wooded Landscape. A vista of distant wooded country. In front is a solitary traveller. Panel. In the Rinecker collection, Wtirzburg, 1859 (Parthey, i. 590) ; but not in the sale at Cologne, October 30, 1888. 223. A Wooded Landscape with a Stream in front. Two anglers. Sale. Lord Northwick, Thirlestane House, Cheltenham, July 26, 1859, No. 32 (73 : los., Jean Meffre). 223/1. A Woodland Road. In the Von Landauer collection, Stuttgart, 1862 (Parthey, i. 590).