Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/449

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xiv MEINDERT HOBBEMA 435 253. A PEASANT'S DWELLING BESIDE A STREAM. Sm. in. The stream fills the foreground, and flows away towards the left distance. On the right bank is a cottage with a gable, and barn adjoining to the left. To the right of the cottage is a tree. In front of the barn is a great leafy tree, whose branches stand out against the sky, almost in the centre. To the left of this tree, on the projecting bank close to the water's edge, is a clump of somewhat smaller trees, which, like the big tree, are reflected in the water. In the left distance on the farther bank, is a line of low bushy trees. Outside the cottage are two figures. In the sky to the left are heavy clouds. The picture is fresh in tone. The re- flections of the trees in the water are very delicately rendered. The doubts occasionally cast upon its authenticity are wholly unfounded. [Pendant to 214. Compare 256 (Glasgow).] Signed in full to the right at foot, with the M and H joined ; panel, 12^ inches by 17 J inches. Sales. Hendrik Verschuuring, The Hague, September 17, 1770, No. 81. (Probably) J. Pekstok, Amsterdam, December 17, 1792, No. 49 (120 florins, with pendant). J. Goll van Franckenstein, Amsterdam, July I, 1833, No. 32 (1352 florins, J. de Vries). In the Van der Hoop collection, Amsterdam, 1835 (Sm.) ; bequeathed to Amsterdam in 1854, and lent to the Rijksmuseum in 1885. In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1910 catalogue, No. 1189. , 254. A RIVER LANDSCAPE, Along the river runs a road. A man is in a boat on the water. On the road are a traveller and his wife and child. Through the trees is seen a sunlit tower. In the left distance is a church steeple. An early work. Signed in full with the early signature in the water on the right at foot ; panel, 13 J inches by i8| inches. In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer. In the collection of Dr. Max Wassermann, Paris. In the collection of Marcus Kappel, Berlin, since about 1904 or 1905. 255. A RIVER LANDSCAPE WITH A BRIDGE. A man with a dog crosses a bridge on the right. In the centre, near a cottage, a road leads to a village, the church tower of which is seen in the left distance. A man sits by the roadside, angling in the river. The clouds are strongly lighted. Similar to 139 (Clark). An early work, but the date 1648 given in the Detroit catalogue is impossible. Signed in full, and dated on the left at foot 16-8 (presumably 1658) ; panel, i8| inches by 24! inches. Presented to Detroit by J. E. Scripps. In the Detroit Art Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 47. 256. A GROUP OF TREES ON THE BANK OF A RIVER. Sm. 26, and Suppl. 15. A river flows across the whole fore- ground, widening out on the left and there bending round to the right towards the middle distance. On the nearer bank in the left foreground sits an angler, to the left of two or three posts or stumps at the water's edge. On the farther bank in the centre a clump of fine trees stands out