Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/454

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440 MEINDERT HOBBEMA SECT. 272*. A Wooded Landscape with a Village by a River. The trees are finely reflected in the water. Travellers and a fisherman. Panel, 19 inches by 24 inches. S a k. J. C. Pruyssenaar, Amsterdam, December 27, 1814, No. 30. 272^. A View of a Village on a Canal. Near it are two mills, several houses and trees, and a brick-kiln. In front is a fisherman in a boat. Panel, 20 inches by 41 J inches. Sale. Dr. Luchtmans, Rotterdam, April 20, 1816, No. 68 (150 florins). 272^. Landscape at the Edge of a Stream. Two houses. Several figures on a road. Panel, 17 inches by 2i| inches. Sale. B. Ocke, Leyden, April 21, 1817, No. 49 (80 florins, Ocke). 272^. Landscape at the Edge of a Stream. Figures. Panel, 17 inches by 23^ inches. Sale. Rotterdam, April 25, 1817, No. 132 (85 florins, Woodburn). 272*. A River Landscape. Panel. Sale. H. D. G. de Maree and W. Horstink, Haarlem, May 12, 1817, No. 62. 272/1 Landscape with a Little Stream. 26 inches by 33 inches. Sale. Hoorn, July 8, 1817, No. 133 (8 florins). 272^. Landscape with Water in front. By the water stands an angler. Canvas. Sale. L. van Oukerke, Haarlem, May 19, 1818, No. 12 (13 florins 10, Lamberts). 272/1. Landscape with many Trees and much Water. Old houses and figures. Sale. Amsterdam, April 13, 1819, No. 33 (99 florins 10, Eversdijk). 273. Landscape with Water in front and a Distant Town. The town is seen beyond a road with high trees. Canvas, 20 inches by 25 inches. Sale. C. S. Roos, Amsterdam, August 28, 1820, No. 45 (700 florins, De Vries). 274. A River Landscape with Two Peasants in a Boat. To the right are high trees on marshy ground. Near them is a boat with two peasants. To the left the wheel for opening a sluice is fixed on a stone bridge, over which a man walks towards a village in the distance. Panel, 20 inches by 26 inches. Sale. Rotterdam, April 26, 1830, No. 24 (260 florins, Exfordt).