Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/476

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4 6 2 ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE SECT. Set note to 1 1 . In the parsonage of the Augustinian church " De Ster," Amsterdam. 19. LANDSCAPE WITH ST. JEROME. A valley, with trees on the slope to the left and an oak in the right foreground, leads away into the distance. The saint sits on the right, at the foot of the oak tree, writing in a book. He is almost nude, save for the cardinal's robe thrown over his knees. He wears spectacles, and holds an inkpot in his left hand. In front of him are a skull, the cardinal's hat, and a lion. Behind the oak is a straw shelter. In the distance is a second lion. Signed in full on the right at foot, and dated 1 668 ; canvas on panel, 30 inches by 26 inches. Salf, C. van Dijck, The Hague, May 10, 1713 (Hoet, i. 161), No. 19 (205 florins). In the collection of the Duke of Mecklenburg, Ludwigslust, in 1792. In the Schwerin Museum, 1882 catalogue, No. 1052. 20. MERCURY, ARGUS, AND IO. Sm. 47, 50, and Suppl. 13. In the centre foreground of a well-watered landscape Argus sits asleep at the foot of a tree. On the right, Mercury draws his sword to kill Argus. On the left, lo, in the form of a white cow, lies under a tall oak, near some sheep. Beyond the figures are two cows ; one is lowing and the other drinking. In the left middle distance is another group of cows and sheep. To the right is a well-painted background of placid landscape a meadow and a stream with trees on the farther bank. The figures are remarkably large for A. van de Velde and recall the work of Karel Du Jardin. An "excellent picture " (Sm.). Replica of 21. Signed in full on the left at foot, and dated 1665 ; canvas, 27^ inches by 36^ inches. A drawing of the same subject, dated 1666, is in the same collection at Paris, 1907 catalogue, No. 1021. An " exquisite " drawing in Indian ink, measuring 6| inches by 10 inches, and " probably a study for the picture," was in the sale : Goll van Francken- stein, Amsterdam, July I, 1833 (889 florins, Claussin) according to Sm. Sales. R. Strange, London, 1771 (64). Fouquet, Amsterdam, 1805. Depreuil, Paris, April 15, 1811 (10,000 francs). In the collection of the Duchesse de Berry, exhibited for private sale in London, 1834 (priced at .800 and not sold). Sale. Duchesse de Berry, Paris, April 4, 1837, No. 32 (9975 francs, Sm.) see Ch. Blanc (ii. 424) and sold by Sm. to Arteria. In the collection of Edmund Higginson, Saltmarsh Castle, 1842 (Sm.). Sales. E. Higginson, London, June 4, 1846 (493 : ios., Nieuwenhuys). Schneider, Paris, April 6, 1876, No 40. In the Dutuit collection, Rouen. In the Petit Palais des Beaux-Arts, Paris, Dutuit bequest, 1907 catalogue, No. 932. 21. MERCURY, ARGUS, AND IO. An exact replica of 20, which was painted two years later. Signed in full, and dated 1663 ; canvas, 28 inches by 36 inches.