Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/480

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4 66 ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE SECT. A fine summer evening. The landscape is ascribed to J. van der Hagen (by Sm.). Canvas, 19 inches by 25 inches. In the collection of Baron Nagell van Ampsen, The Hague, 1842 (Sm.). Sale. A. W. C. Baron Nagell van Ampsen, The Hague, September 5, 185 i, No. 25 (1750 florins, Roos). 31. Boys with Two Large Dogs in a Landscape. Good and probably genuine. Signed on the left at foot ; canvas, 15^ inches by i8j inches. In the Ariana Museum, Geneva, catalogue of about 1900, p. 156, No. 37. 32. LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE AND A WOMAN ON A GREY HORSE (or, The Ford). Sm. 115. In the centre of the middle distance is a knoll. To the right are ruins and to the left trees. In the centre foreground is a woman in blue and brown on a grey horse which drinks at a stream and is reflected indistinctly in the water. Near her are a dun cow with a white face, and a dog. To the left, under a tree, a shepherd and a woman are conversing. The shepherd is pulling off his shoes and stockings to wade through the stream. Near the woman are a goat and three sheep, one of which stands while the others are reclining. Exceptionally tender and delicate for the late period, and in the best of condition. Signed in full, and dated 1669 ; panel, 14 J inches by i6j inches. A study for the picture is in the collection of Fairfax Murray, London, No. 150. In the collection at Draycot House, Wilts, before 1834 (Sm., who valued it at 262 : I os.). In the collection of James Morrison, Basildon Park, 1854 (Waagen, Suppl. 308). In the collection of the late Charles Morrison, Basildon Park, Reading. 33. TRAVELLERS ENQUIRING THE WAY. Sm. 131. In the left foreground is a barn, the great doors of which stand half open. To the right of it is a leafless oak, in front of which a peasant milks a brown cow. Beyond are sheep and a goat. In the left foreground another cow lies near a felled oak, near which two hens are pecking. To the right are a cock and another hen. Behind the peasant a horseman has halted and points with outstretched whip to the road, as to which he seems to be consulting the man. In the middle distance a coach and six is drawn up, with another horseman in front of it. A fine picture, show- ing perhaps in the treatment of the foliage the influence of Potter ; the pure green and pure yellow passages are unrelated to each other. Compare the herdsman milking a brown cow in 99 (Mannheim). Signed in full in the left foreground on the cut end of the oak, and dated 1662 ; canvas, 18 inches by 22 inches. In the chief Kassel inventory of 1749. In the Louvre, Paris, 1806-15. In the Kassel Gallery, 1903 catalogue, No. 375 (old No. 347) ; it was there in 1834 (Sm., who valued it at .367 : ios.).