Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/485

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xv ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE 471 In the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, 1883 catalogue, No. 8 84 A ; not now exhibited. 50. A MOUNTED HERDSMAN WITH CATTLE AT A FOUNTAIN. Sm. i. In a wooded landscape with hills a man on a grey horse, seen from the back, converses with a woman seated on a tree- trunk to the right. Beside her sits a herdsman leaning on his stick. A sheep is lying down, a goat suckles a kid, another kid is browsing, and a sheep nibbles moss at the foot of a tree, to the right. On the left are a grey cow lying down and a reddish-brown cow standing up, with a goat lying near the front. Farther away five sheep browse in the shade of a high bank. Beyond the herdsmen is a stone fountain with sheep near it. A gleam of sunlight on the foreground. The figures and cattle are unusually large for Adriaen van de Velde (compare 2 and 37). The execu- tion is very fine. [See the replica, 55.] Signed in full on a tree, and dated 1 664 ; canvas, 49 inches by 65 inches. Exhibited in the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1879, No. 155. In the collection of the Hon. Henry Windsor, 1834 (Sm.). In the Vansittart collection ; given to Cambridge in 1864. In the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 1902 catalogue, No. 88. 51. A HERDSMAN ON A GREY HORSE IN A STREAM CONVERSING WITH A GIRL. Sm. 109. In front is a stream in which two cows stand on the left ; the cow to the right is drinking, near a goat. On the right a man on a grey horse, seen from the back, asks the way, pointing to the right, of a girl in blue with a jug who stands in the water to the left of him. Beyond the stream to the right is a hill, at the foot of which are sheep. On the hill are two trees with scanty foliage and a shepherd seated among his sheep. To the left, beside the hill, is a road on which are two beggars j a woman on horseback, with a dog, gives one beggar an alms. Beyond the road is a river, on the farther bank of which stands a ruin, with a broad plain. In the distance are hills. " An exquisite production " (Sm.). Canvas, 20 inches by 17! inches. A copy, signed in full and dated 1659, an< ^ coming from the collection of A. Heller, Vienna, was in the possession of the Paris dealer Sedelmeyer, "Catalogue of 100 Paintings," 1901, No. 51, and in the sale: Sedelmeyer, Paris, May 25, 1907, No. 182. Another copy was, very probably, in the sale : Heymel, Berlin, November 5, 1889, No. 39 ; it was said to be dated 1672, but the size and description agree entirely with the above. Possibly 60 was a third copy. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1826-7 5 an( ^ at Manchester, 1857, No. 1003. In the Royal collection, Buckingham Palace, London, 1885 catalogue, No. 87 ; it was in the Royal collection in 1834 (Sm.). 52. A HILLY LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE COMING DOWN A PATH. On the right a stony path leads down past an old