Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/507

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xv ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE 493 the middle distance sits a woman in blue, holding a distaff; her head and shoulders are in full light, and she looks at her thread. Behind her a herdsman in reddish-brown lies on his face asleep. In the right foreground lie two red cows with white heads ; the one in front is seen in full face, while the other is turned to the right. Near them to the right are a sheep and two lambs. Behind these a cow stands, with more sheep, near a fence which runs diagonally across the picture. In the left distance is an old and lofty wall with bushes, in which to the left is another wall, in shadow, with an open gateway, outside which stands a horse. On the right is a view of wooded hills, on one of which, in the distance, is a house. Vivid blue sky. Of the late period. "This exquisitely painted picture has become a little dark by time" (Sm.). [Possibly identical with 257, and, if so, pendant to 113.] Signed in full on the wall to the left ; canvas, 12^ inches by 16 inches. In the Steengracht collection, The Hague ; it was there in 1834 (Sm., who valued it at 136 : ios.). A Herdsman and a Woman with a Distaff. See Sm. 7. [Perhaps identical with 125 (Sm.). Pendant to 63.] Panel, 12 inches by 14 inches. Sales. Julienne, Paris, March 30, 1767 (3000 francs, with pendant). Blondel de Gagny, Paris, December 10, 1776 (4000 francs, with pendant). 123. A Pasture with Cattle. Sm. 143, and Suppl. 19. In the left foreground a light brown cow grazes near a sheep. Behind the cow, near the centre, stands a dun ox, with a white sheep and a black ram. On the right, in front of an enclosure under the shade of tall trees, a woman in a blue skirt and a yellow jacket sits on the edge of a narrow sunk road holding a distaff. She leans forward to converse with a herdsman. In front lies a tree-trunk, with various plants. Cloudy sky with golden light. In the distance are dunes, cornfields, and trees. " An exquisitely painted picture " (Sm.). Signed in full, and dated 1668 ; canvas, 12 inches by i6| inches. Sales. W. A. Verbrugge, The Hague, September 27, 1831, No. 60 (1325 florins, Hagens). Heris (Eire), Brussels, March 25, 1841, No. 43 (11,010 francs, bought in) ; see Ch. Blanc, ii. 445. 124. Landscape with a Woman Spinning. Two red cows j six merino sheep. A woman has her feet in a stream. Another woman is spinning. A herdsman converses with them. An old man sits on a bank. Fine landscape, with cottages and hills in the distance. Signed in full ; canvas, 33^ inches by 27 inches. Sale. L. Casterman and others, Antwerp, July 19, 1858, No. 165. i24. Landscape with a Cow and a Sheep by a Stream. A spotted cow stands with a sheep by a stream. Farther away sits a woman spinning.