Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/519

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xv ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE 505 157. Starting for the Chase. Sale. Pancras, Amsterdam, April 7, 1816 (Hoet, i. 187), No. 12 (190 florins). 157*?. Huntsmen going to the Chase. With many other figures in a landscape. Sale. Amsterdam, April 15, 1739 (Hoet, i. 578), (14 florins). 158. Huntsmen. In the foreground of a wooded landscape. One carries a dead hare on his shoulders. Canvas, 28 inches by 26 inches. Sale. Johan Verkolje, Amsterdam, October 24, 1763, No. 9 (290 florins, Bertels). 159. Landscape with Cavaliers and Ladies on Horseback. Six figures. They ride to the chase. Huntsmen and dogs small figures. Panel, 15 inches by 18 inches. In the collection of Hendrik Verschuuring, The Hague, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 473). Sale. Amsterdam, October 12, 1768 (Terw. 679), No. 29 (361 florins). 1 60. Huntsmen in a Landscape. In the foreground of a dune landscape is a gentleman on a grey horse. Near him is a huntsman with two hounds. On a hill close by sit two peasants. To the right on sandy ground are a tree and a wooden fence. In the left middle distance, near a stream, is a peasant with cattle. Farther away are cottages and trees. Canvas, 53 inches by 39 inches. The description, but not the size, agrees with that of 162. Sale. Amsterdam, April 9, 1783, No. 61. 161. Landscape with Huntsmen and a Shepherdess on Horseback. Hilly landscape with low bushes and tall trees. In front is a shepherdess on horseback. Beside her a herdsman drives a pack-ass, oxen, and sheep. In the middle distance is a horseman with huntsmen, who come forward out of the hilly country. Canvas, 42^ inches by 35 inches. Sale. P. Yver and others, Amsterdam, March 31, 1788, No. 6 (81 florins, Winter). i6irf. The Hawking-Party. In the collection of the Due de Ouesnay. Sales. (Probably) A French nobleman, London, 1790 (162 : 153., Tassaert). London, 1794 Gno, Captain Bailey). 162. Huntsmen in a Dune Landscape. Sm. 70. On a sand- hill at the side are two old trees, beside which two peasants are resting. Nearer the front a dog runs along with his nose to the ground. In the centre is a horseman, accompanied by a huntsman with a couple of hounds. At the side flows a stream, with trees along both banks. Under one of the trees lies a shepherd near his flock. On a sandhill in the distance are cottages and thatched huts. Canvas, 30 inches by 47 inches.