Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/558

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544 ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE SECT. Signed; io inches by 13 inches. In the collection of H. A. Munro, 1854 (Waagen, ii. 138). Sale. H. A. J. Munro, London, June I, 1878, No. 137 (530, Agnew). 305. Landscape with Cattle. Sm. 48, and Suppl. n. A meadow, in which are three cows and two goats. A grey and white spotted cow rubs its head against a tree. A red cow and a dun cow lie on the right ; one has its head over the other's back. Nearer the front is a white goat ; another goat is on the left. Canvas, 14 inches by 19 inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1876, No. 90. In the collection of William Wells, Redleaf, i834-42_(Sm.) and 1876. 306. A Pasture with Cattle. In a green meadow, shaded by tall trees which shut off the horizon, a shepherdess sits by a sunlit beech, conversing with a herdsman who leans on his stick. A red spotted cow is resting near a sheep, a grey horse which is grazing, and a young bull. A herdsman drives another herd along a road. In the distance are ranges of hills illumined by the setting sun. Signed in full on a rock to the right ; panel, 8 inches by 12 inches. Sale. Prince Demidoff, San Donato, March 15, 1880, No. 1067. 306^. Cattle at Pasture. At the foot of a great tree, filling the right side of the picture, lies a fine reddish-brown cow, with two sheep in front. Behind, a grey cow rubs his head against a tree. On the left are other animals and a herdsman. In the right distance is a spacious vista. On the left is the entrance to a wood. Signed in full, and dated 1642 (which is impossible) ; panel, 12 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Count Rasponi of Ravenna, Brussels, October 25, 1880, No. 42. 306^. Landscape with Cattle. Signed. Sale. Amsterdam, October 3, 1882, No. 136. 306^. Landscape : Evening". Near a stream in front is a herdsman with cows and sheep. The view is bounded by wooded hills. Cloudy sky. 26 inches by 22 inches. Sale. Von Sierstorpff of Driburg, Berlin, April 19, 1887, No. 34. 307. Herdsman and Animals. A cow drinks at a stream. Sheep rest on the bank. In the middle distance, at the foot of a tree, sits a shepherdess, to whom a herdsman makes love. In the distance are several animals on the outskirts of a wood. An Italian house rises above the trees. Canvas, io inches by 13 inches. Sale. E. Secretan, Paris, July I, 1889, No. 175 (6300 francs). 307*7. Cattle returning Homewards. In the middle distance is a