Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/566

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552 ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE SECT. graze under the eye of two shepherds. Repainted, but probably a genuine work originally. Signed, and dated 1657 ; canvas, 13 inches by io| inches. Sale. Baron Konigswarter of Vienna, Berlin, November 20, 1906, No. 94 (1050 mark). 332. A GREY HORSE AT A HEDGE WITH TWO SHEEP. A grey horse stands facing right near a hedge which conceals his forelegs. He stands out in relief against dark clouds which fill the lower part of the sky. To the left lies a ram, with a sheep. A fine early work. In the style of the Berlin picture of this date (180). Dated 1658 ; a small picture. In the collection of Fritz Cans, Frankfort-on-Main. 333. A GREY HORSE AND TWO SHEEP AT A HEDGE. Sm. 22. The horse stands on the farther side of a gate. Two sheep lie near. One of the fine early works with Dutch pastures in the style of the pictures at Berlin (180 and 348), in the Thieme collection, Leipzig (350), and in the National Gallery, London, Salting bequest (81). Signed in full, and dated 1658 ; panel, 8 inches by 7 inches. Sales. Paris, 1773 (340 francs). Destouches, Paris, March 21, 1794 (160 francs). P. Panne, London, 1819 (33 : I2s.). In the collection of the Earl of Wemyss, Gosford House. 334. TWO HORSES AND SHEEP AT PASTURE. A dark horse is grazing. Another lies down farther away. On the left, near some sheep, are two trees with scanty foliage. A fine distance. A good picture of the early period. Canvas, n inches by 14 inches. In the collection of J. Porges, Paris. 3340. Landscape with a Horse and some Sheep. A fine picture. 8| inches by 8 inches. 334^. A Horse, a Sheep, and Peasants. Sale. ]. Milsted, London, 1825 (158, Peacock). 334<r. Two Horses and Sheep in a River Landscape. On a point of land, projecting into the middle of a stream, are a grey horse, a dun horse and sheep. In the middle distance is a small country-house, with cottages. Cloudy sky. Canvas, 16 inches by 26 inches. Exhibited at Brussels, 1873, No. 178. In the collection of Count Schonborn, Vienna, 1873. 335. HORSES AND SHEEP AT PASTURE. In the centre a horse stands grazing, in profile to the right. To the left, a little behind him, another horse, facing left, lies on the ground near a fence. Beside and in front of the grazing horse are four sheep, one of which stands up.