Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/573

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xv ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE 559 Amsterdam, April 23, 1732 (Hoet, i. 371), No. 4 (212 florins) a good picture. Antwerp, February 24, 1851, No. 86 on panel. 343^7. Landscape with Animals. Signed, and dated 1663. Sale. S. Wheeler, London, 1871 (225 : 153., Colnaghi). 343^. Figures and Animals near a Ruin. 26 inches by 22 inches. Sale. Britten Slee and others, London, March 25, 1901, No. 43. 343<r. A Pastoral Scene in a Landscape. Herdsmen in front. A ruin in the distance. Signed in full on the right at foot, and dated 1665 ; panel, 14 inches by 17^ inches. Sale. Lachmann and others, Munich, June 2, 1902, No. 230. 343</. Peasants and Animals resting at a Spring. Panel, 1 1 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Younge and others, London, November 23, 1902, No. 130. 343*. Peasants with Animals near Ruins. 35 inches by 46 inches. Sale. MacAndrew, London, February 14, 1903, No. 141. 343/ Landscape with a Peasant driving his Herd. i inches by 14^ inches. Sale. F. Yeats Edwards and others, London, July 13, 1903, No. 92. 343^. A Peasant and Animals near a Shed. i8| inches by i6| inches. Sale. Sir J. A. Jacoby and others, London, February 5, 1910, No. 78. 344. ITALIAN LANDSCAPE WITH A FERRY. Sm. 155. A river fills the foreground, with a ferry-boat, in which are eleven men and women, three children, a cow and a dog. Two men are busy with a sail in the middle. A helmsman stands at the tiller. In front a dog barks at three wild ducks flying in front of the boat to the right. Beyond the ferry-boat the bank rises. Above to the left is a clump of trees ; farther back is an Italian house. On the right are ranges of hills. Cloudy sky. "A slight and freely painted picture" (Sm.). Signed in full on the boat, and dated 1667 ; canvas, 25 inches by 30^ inches. In the Mannheim Gallery. In the Palace, Schleissheim, 1834 (Sm.). In the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1904 catalogue, No. 488. 345. LANDSCAPE WITH A FERRY. A broad river fills the foreground and bends to the left round a projecting bank. A ferry- boat takes a diagonal course across ; in it are ten or eleven figures, includ- ing two horsemen. In front at the prow stands a dog, barking at ducks