Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/604

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590 PAULUS POTTER SECT. (1) The Vision of St. Hubert. Sm. Suppl. 16 ; W. 94^. St. Hubert kneels, facing right, with his hands devoutly clasped at the apparition of the stag, with a crucifix on its head, which stands at the edge of a wood to the right. The huntsman's horse stands behind him to the left j farther away are two hounds, while a third hound stands in front of the man to the right and looks at the stag. 7 inches by 15^ inches. (2) Coursing; the Hare taken. Sm. Suppl. 15 ; W. 947. To the right, in a hilly landscape, stands a huntsman, holding in his left hand a dead hare. On the right, in front of the man, lies a white hound ; to the left stands a black hound which sniffs at the hare. In the left distance a man with a pole over his shoulders comes running forward. 7 inches by 15! inches. (3) Diana and Actaeon. The figures in this scene are by C. Poelen- burg. 7 inches by 15^ inches. (4) Rabbit-Catching. Sm. Suppl. 14 ; W. 94*'. A huntsman lying on a hill to the right, with his dog beside him, watches a white ferret which is to drive the rabbits out of their burrow. In the left foreground a net is spread out. In the hilly background a huntsman with his dogs courses rabbits. 6J inches by 8 inches. (5) Hunting the Leopard. Sm. Suppl. 13 ; W. 94^. In the left foreground a leopard looks at its reflection in a mirror which is placed in a large trap. In the right distance is a cave. 6J inches by 8 inches. (6) The Wolf-Hunt. Sm. Suppl. 12 ; W. 94^. A peasant standing on the left thrusts a hay-fork into a wolf's jaws ; the wolf rising up on his hind legs bites savagely at the prongs. From the right background a huntsman in red on a grey horse and another peasant on foot come for- ward ; the huntsman strikes at the wolf with a sword, while the peasant aims a blow with a club. On the extreme right of the background another horseman winds his horn. 6 inches by 8 inches. (7) The Buffalo-Hunt. Sm. Suppl. 8 ; W. 94^. Three huntsmen gallop out of a wood on the right after a buffalo, which defends itself against four hounds. The animal has tossed one hound in a wide curve behind it, and is about to gore another hound, while a third bites it in the left hind-leg. 7 inches by 15 J inches. (8) The Lion-Hunt. Sm. Suppl. 7 ; W. 94^. In the left foreground of a barren landscape with hills to the right, a lion has thrown a huntsman and his horse to the ground and bites the man's right arm. Another huntsman standing to the left thrusts a spear into the lion's side, and, behind him, a mounted man wearing a turban is shooting an arrow at the