Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/610

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59 6 PAULUS POTTER SECT. Sale. Huybert Ketclaar, Amsterdam, June 19, 1776, No. 168 (150 florins, Ploos). lie. A White Ox. Standing in front near a hedge. In the middle distance are cows. In the distance is seen a church tower. [Possibly identical with 14^.] Panel, 8| inches by 1 1 inches. Sale. J. Odon, Amsterdam, September 6, 1784, No. 46. 12. A Red and White Spotted Cow. Sm. 45 ; W. ii. 14. The cow stands near a fence. In a meadow cattle are grazing. " Said to have been painted by the artist at a very early age " (Sm.). Panel, 13 inches by 16 inches. A picture corresponding in description to this, but measuring 14 inches by 1 8 inches, was in the collection of Jeremiah Harman in 1834 (Sm.). Sales. Madame de Cosse, Paris, November u, 1778 (1800 francs) see Ch. Blanc, i. 423). Destouches, Paris, March 21, 1794 (1550 francs). I2a. A Cow lying down. Near a hedge in a meadow. Panel, y| inches by 9^ inches. Sale. Rotterdam, August 7, 1798, No. 52 (3 florins 15, Sera). lib. A White Ox. Standing near a fence in a meadow. In the distance are streams and a village. Canvas on panel, 7 inches by 9 inches. Sale. D. de Jongh, Rotterdam, March 26, 1810, No. 45. i2c. An Ox in a Meadow. Panel. Sale. B. P. Ommeganck, Antwerp, June 19, 1827, No. 780. lid. A Bull. Rubbing itself against a post. Panel, 6 inches by 7 inches. Sale. C. E. E. Baron Collet d'Escury, Leeuwaarden, October I, 1831, No. 24. 13. An Ox standing;. In a meadow, near a little fence. He stands out in clear relief against a sky covered with dark clouds. In the collection of Bourbon de Satry, Paris, 1841 see Nagler, Ktinstler- lexikon. 13^. An Ox lying down. Sale. Amsterdam, December 1 6, 1851, No. 137. 14. A White Bull. Sm. 43 ; W. 9. Standing to the right in a meadow. He is strongly relieved against the dark sky. Behind is a single willow in a flat landscape. Panel, 15 inches by u inches. Engraved by Masquelier.