Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/612

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59 8 PAULUS POTTER SECT. Sale. J. W. Barchman Wuytiers, Utrecht, September 17, 1792, No. 49 (70 florins, Spruyt). I'jb. Two Cows in a Landscape. Sale. Bryan, London, May 7, 1804 (315). i jc. Two Cows. Standing in front near a willow. They are finely illumined from the side by the sunlight. In the distance a pasture with cattle. Panel, n inches by 14 inches. Sale. Jos. Valette and others, Amsterdam, August 26, 1807, No. 170. ijd. Two Red Spotted Cows standing. They are finely illumined by sunlight. Panel, 1 1 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Jos. Valette and others, Amsterdam, August 26, 1807, No. 171. 1 8. A Black and White Bull and a Red Cow. Sm. 52 ; W. ii. 1 8. The cow lies down on the right near the bull. An old tree and bushes. [Sm. thought that this might perhaps be identical with 22.] Panel, 17 inches by 14^ inches. Sale. De Sereville, Paris, 1811 (3000 francs, bought in). iSa. Two Cows. In a meadow by a tree. Flat pasture in the distance. Panel, 8 inches by 8^ inches. Sale. Dr. Luchtmans, Rotterdam, April 20, 1816, No. 120 (21 florins). 19. Two Cows in a Meadow. Sm. 103 ; W. 51. On a little hill in front a yellow cow stands in profile, with its head near the centre. A grey cow lies on the farther side of the hill, with its head to the front. A clear day. Panel, io inches by io| inches. In the collection of Robert Hindley, Manchester, 1834 (Sm.). 190. Two Cows. One lying down, the other standing, in a meadow. Panel, 10 inches by 12 inches. Sale. J. Bleuland, Utrecht, May 6, 1839, No. 269 (510 florins, Roos). 20. Two Cows in a Meadow. Two cows are relieved against the wooded distance. One, a red and white spotted cow, stands in the centre ; the other lies near. Panel, 12 inches by n inches. Sale. Schamp d'Aveschoot, Ghent, September 14, 1840, No. 148 (240 florins, bought in). 2oa. Two Cows. One standing, the other lying, near a willow. In the distance other cattle at pasture. Signed in full ; panel, 14 inches by 18 inches. Sale. E. J. de Court van Valkenswaard, Dordrecht, April 12, 1847, No. 130 (102 florins, Sala).