Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/632

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6i8 PAULUS POTTER SECT. 72. Two Cows in a Shed, with a Pig in front. Sm. 38 ; W. 33. A reddish cow and a black cow stand in a cowshed. Outside the door in front lies a pig. On the lower half of the door sits a hen ; the upper half of the door is thrown back. Near it stands a woman. A broad plain in the distance. Signed ; panel, 12 inches by 9^ inches. In the Van der Linden collection, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 490). Sales. J. van der Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785, No. 381 (560 florins, Fouquet). Lambert et Du Porail, Paris, March 27, 1787 (2700 francs, Le Brun for Calonne) see Ch. Blanc, ii. 116. C. A. de Calonne, Paris, April 21, 1788 (2800 francs, bought in). C. A. de Calonne, London, March 26, 1795, No. 76 (57 : 153.) see Buchanan, i. 249. 72*7. A Cow and Two Donkeys. A fisherman and other figures in the distance. Wooded landscape. Panel, 19 J inches by 24^ inches. Sale. Hendrik Verschuuring, The Hague, September 17, 1770, No. 138. 73. Cattle, a Horse, and Herdsmen at their Repast. Sm. 9 j W. 54. In a farmyard to the left is a wooden shed, in which lies a sheep. At the door a shepherd in a yellow jacket and short grey breeches, with his legs bare, sits on a tree-stump ; at his feet lies his stick. In his left hand, which rests on his knee, he holds some bread and a knife ; he raises his right hand. In front of him a little dog, standing on his hind- legs, waits for the shepherd's signal to eat a morsel of bread which is placed on his nose. Another shepherd, in red with a straw hat, sits quietly eating and watching his companion. To the right lies a red and white cow ; a second cow and a horse stand near. In the middle distance, beyond the shed, are three slender trees. Beyond the hedge surrounding the yard is a broad plain, in which a sportsman with two greyhounds courses a rabbit. A fine evening. " A beautiful example " (Sm.). Signed in full on one of the boards of the shed, and dated 1648 ; panel, 15 inches by i6| inches. Sale. Pieter Caauw, Leyden, August 24, 1768 (Terw. 666), No. i (670 florins) according to Sm., though the sale catalogue describes it briefly as "Two cows lying down and one standing in a landscape." In the collection of Baron van Brienen van de Grootelindt, Amsterdam, 1834 (Sm., who valued it at 420). Sale. G. Th. A. M., Baron van Brienen van de Grootelindt, of The Hague, Paris, May 8, 1865, No. 27 (44,100 francs, Lord Hertford). In the collection of the Marquess of Hertford (Westrheene), but not now in the Wallace Collection. [Translator's Note. Most probably this is the Wallace picture, " Herdsmen with their Cattle" (112). The description is virtually identical with that of 112. Moreover, it seems unlikely that Lord Hertford would have bought in 1865 an exact replica of a picture which he had bought in 1850 for less than half the price paid in 1865. The inference is that the Kalkbrenner picture (112) was a copy. But, according to the Keeper, Mr. D. S. MacColl, the archives of the Wallace Collection throw no light on the matter, although Lord