Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/636

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622 PAULUS POTTER SECT. Sales. H. Croese, Amsterdam, May 27, 1818, No. 42 (700 florins, Brondgeest). H. Reydon and others, Amsterdam, April 5, 1827, No. 121 (199 florins, Roos). 78. Landscape with Cattle. Known from an etching. Canvas, 29! inches by 25^ inches. Sales. H. Croese, Amsterdam, May 27, 1818, No. 43 (494 florins, De Vries). H. Reydon and others, Amsterdam, April 5, 1827, No. 122 (394 florins, De Vries). 78*7. Cattle in a Meadow. Signed in full. Sale. Amsterdam, November 26, 1827, No. 202 (148 florins, Gruijter). 78^. Cattle with a Herdsman. Cattle standing and lying down in a wooded landscape with cottages. Dated 1649 ; panel. Sale. Amsterdam, August 2, 1828, No. 99 (7 florins 5, Van Delden). 78*:. Cattle outside a Farm. Panel. Sale. Van Barneveld, Van den Haute, and others, Antwerp, February 26, 1844, No. 31. . Landscape with Cattle. In the neighbourhood of the castle of Rijswijk. Sale. London, 1845 (70, Morley). 78*. Cattle in a Meadow. Cattle standing and lying down, with herdsmen reposing. Signed, P. Potter ; panel, 31 1 inches by 40^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, October 18, 1849, No. 150. y8/ A Cattle-piece. Panel, 7 inches by 9^ inches. Sale. M. Wolff, Berlin, May 25, 1857, No. 457. 78^. An Animal-piece. In the FrOhlich collection, Wtirzburg, 1859 (Parthey, ii. 286). 78/2. Cattle in a Meadow. Panel, i6 inches by 22 inches. Sale. J. P. Weyer, Cologne, August 1862 (216 mark, Anton Baer). 79. Cattle in a Meadow. It is uncertain whether the following all refer to the same picture or not : Sales. Amsterdam, April 9, 1687 (Hoet, i. 7), No. 24 (80 florins) a very good picture. Amsterdam, September 22, 1694 (Hoet, i. 22), No. 93 (7 florins 10).