Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/64

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50 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. 141. THE CORNFIELD. On the left a sandy road leads into the distance. On the right side of it are two small and slender trees. Beyond, filling the whole right, is a yellow cornfield in full sunlight. Beyond the field are hills with foliage. On the road, in the middle distance, a peasant with a dog walks towards a windmill amid trees in the background. On the horizon is a village church tower. Fine cloudy sky. Signed in full on the right j canvas, 19 inches by 22 inches. In the Viardot collection. Sale. G. Rothan, Paris, May 29, 1890, No. 95 (24,000 francs). 142. A Cornfield. A cornfield lies on the slope of a hill overgrown with bushes, amid which here and there are cottages and clumps of tall trees. A couple of peasants are binding sheaves. At the foot of the hill, fringed with low bushes, is a peasant with a dog ; near him is a great waterfall. Above it is a view over a broad plain, under a sky with light clouds. Canvas, 26 inches by 32 inches. Sale. Adolf Schuster and others, Cologne, November 14, 1892, No. 136. 143. VIEW OF A CORNFIELD. The field is in sunlight. A large clump of trees. A fine sky. There are comparatively few tones in the foliage, which therefore reminds one of R. van Vries. Signed in full, and dated 1646. In the possession of the London dealer Buttery, March 1906. 1430. Landscape with a Cornfield near the Sea. i6| inches by 2o| inches. Sale. London, July 20, 1906, No. 151. 144. THE CORNFIELD. A broad sunlit sandy road, with grass and bushes at the sides, leads from the left distance to the right foreground. On the road are a peasant, a sportsman, and three dogs. Beyond the road is a sunlit cornfield, bounded at the back by bushes and trees on a low hill. In the left distance is the sea with two boats. Clouds high in the sky. The figures, which are good, are attributed to A. van de Velde in the Muller catalogue. Signed in full in the right centre at foot ; canvas, 18 inches by 22 inches. Exhibited in the Rembrandt Exhibition of the Amsterdam dealers Fred. Muller, 1906, No. no. In the possession of the Amsterdam dealers Fred. Muller. In the collection of Hans von der Miihll, Basel. 145. A WATER-MILL IN A WOODED LANDSCAPE. Sm. 48, and Suppl. 34. On the right a broad winding road ascends into a little wood, beyond which on the right rises a church steeple. In the right foreground stands a woodcutter, axe in hand, behind a tree-trunk, on the left end of which a woman kneels. Behind it numerous slighter branches lie across the road. On the left side of the road, in the centre of the picture, are three oaks. On the extreme left is a still pool, with two