Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/655

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xvi PAULUS POTTER 641 117 f. Sheep and Cattle at Pasture. At the side stands the herdsman conversing with a seated girl. Panel, 21 inches by 28 inches. In the Hollandt collection, Brunswick, 1843 (Parthey, ii. 286). 117^. Cattle and Figures outside a Farm. Signed, P. Potter ; panel, 31 inches by 42! inches. Salt. P. de Leeuw and P. Barbiers, Amsterdam, July 1 1, 1843, No. 198. 117/1. Cattle and Figures. Three cows and other cattle. A woman on an ass, and a peasant. Signed and dated 1650. Bale. Mrs. Gritten, London, 1852 (183 : 153., bought in). nji. Cattle and Herdsmen. In a wooded landscape. Signed, P. Potter ; canvas, 21 inches by 25 inches. Sale. E. B. Rubens and others, Amsterdam, August n, 1857, No. 91. 118. SHEPHERDS AND THEIR FLOCKS (Or, a Herds- man's Family, with Cattle at Pasture). Sm. 51 ; W. 5. On the right, at the foot of an oak tree, sits a woman in a blue jacket and red skirt, with a child at her breast. In front of her, to the right, sits a dog. Behind her a herdsman stands leaning against the tree and playing a bag- pipe. In the centre are cattle. In front is an ox in profile to the left with his head turned to the front. Farther back stands another ox, facing right. In front of this ox lie a cow, some sheep, a goat, and a ram. Farther away are a bay horse and an ass. To the left sheep and goats graze beside and upon a sandhill with trees. In the distance is hilly country with the ruin of a round tower. Sunlight clouds in the sky. A "capital picture" (Sm.). Signed in full on the left at foot, and dated 1651 ; canvas, 32 inches by 38^ inches. A replica of this picture is in the collection of the Duke of Bedford, London (see Sm. 51, and W. 44). It was in the Sales. E. Hooft, widow of W. Valckenier, Amsterdam, August 31, 1796, No. 29 (3025 florins, Van Coeverden for Bryan). Bryan, London, May 17, 1798, No. 58 (jTi 1 10 : los.) see Buchanan, i. 295. Xavier de Burtin, Trait'e Historique et Pratique, 1 80 1 , mentions two pictures in his possession, one of which corresponds to the Duke of Bedford's picture (cf. 122). Engraved by J. A. Boland. In the Snakenburg collection, Leyden, 1796. Sale. G. van der Pot, Rotterdam, June 6, 1808, No. 103 (10,050 florins, Van Lennep for the Rijksmuseum). In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1910 catalogue, No. 1914. 119. Cattle, with Peasants dancing to the Sound of a Pipe. Sm. 49 ; W. 63. A placid stream flowing from the right distance to the left foreground fills the whole width of the foreground. On the bank and partly in the water on the right are four cows, all reflected in the stream. VOL. IV 2 T