Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/67

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xin JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 53 154. A WATER-MILL. In a river landscape. It lies in the left centre, a little way back, on a stream which flows to the right foreground. In the centre a shepherd drives a flock of sheep across the stream to the right. This bank is rocky and rises in the background to a high hill, half- way up which is a village with a church. Below on the bank is a large farm. On the road, in front of it, leading to the ford, are a man, a woman, and a child. The bank to the left is also steep, with a road leading away into the background and bending to the left in the middle distance. Behind the water-mill and the farm to the right are high trees on a ridge. Signed ; canvas, 42 inches by 52^ inches. Sale. Lord Haldon, London, February 28, 1890. In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer, " Catalogue of 300 Paintings," 1898, No. 176. In the collection of Count Palffy, Paris. 155. A WATER-MILL IN A NORWEGIAN LAND- SCAPE. Sm. 307. A dark rocky landscape is intersected by a river, on which are a raft of timber and a small sailing-boat. To the right, on the farther bank, are a cottage, a pile of timber, and a mill. Near the centre is a castle on a rocky hill. Farther to the left in the distance is a lofty conical hill, the top of which is hidden in cloud. One of Ruisdael's most important pictures. Probably an evening effect, but very much darkened by time. Attributed in the 1838 catalogue to Salomon van Ruisdael. Canvas, 40 inches by 43 inches. Engraved by P. E. Moitte in the BrUhl collection. In the collection of Count Bruhl. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 1147; it was there in 1835 (Sm., who valued it at .300). 156. WATER-MILLS. Sm. 309. In a wooded valley near a village in the right background. In front persons ford a stream. A man rider waters two horses in the river. A woman is on the bank, and three swans are in the stream. The figures are attributed to Lingelbach. Very yellow clouds, but otherwise very fine. Signed with the monogram ; canvas, 16 inches by 19 inches. In the collection of Count S. A. Stroganoff, St. Petersburg ; it was there in 1835 (Sm., who valued it at ji2o). 157. TWO WATER-MILLS. The stream runs over a weir between two mills ; the right-hand mill is in ruins. A very fine, fresh, and powerful picture. The mills are the same as those in 148, but painted from a nearer standpoint. In 148 the right-hand mill is still in good repair, and there is more landscape to the right of it. Signed with the monogram on the right under the mill-wheel ; panel, 14 inches by 17^ inches. Sale. Albert Levy, London, July 16, 1876 (162, M. Colnaghi). Bought by Bode for the Strassburg Museum from M. Colnaghi. In the Strassburg Museum, 1903 catalogue, No. 137.