Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/680

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666 PAULUS POTTER SECT. 1649. 4 2 - F ur Oxen in a Meadow. Turin Museum. 54. Two Cows and Sheep in a Meadow. Schwerin Museum. 78^. Cattle with a Herdsman. Sale in Amsterdam, 1828. 98. Four Cows ; one of them being Milked. Gaignat sale, Paris, 1768. 98^. A Cow being Milked, with Figures. W. Coole sale, Rotterdam, 1782. 114. The Great Farm. Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg. 119. Cattle, with Herdsman dancing to the Music of a Flute. John Walter, Bearwood. 134. Eight Dogs. Marquis de Forbin-Jansen, Paris, 1834. 137. Horses in a Field. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. 142. A Black Spotted Stallion in a Meadow. Schwerin Museum. 142^. Two Horses in a Meadow. Gaillard de Gagny sale, Paris, 1762. 148. Horses at the Watering-Place. Baron von Mecklenburg sale, Paris, 1854. 1 60. The Bear-Hunt. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. 170. Two Pigs in a Sty. Museo Civico, Milan. 1650. 3. Orpheus with his Lute charming the Beasts. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. 6. Two Huntsmen at an Inn. Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg. 7. Halting at an Inn. Schwerin Museum. 27. Three Oxen in a Meadow. Bridgewater House, London. 31. A Brown and White Spotted Bull. G. Winkler, Leipzig, 1768. 36. A Cow, with Two Oxen butting one another. Countess KouchelofF-Besborodko sale, Paris, 1859. 64. Cows and Sheep in a Meadow. A. Boyle sale, London, 1898. 82. The Wood at The Hague, with Cows, Sheep, and Figures. Louvre, Paris. 117^. Cattle and Figures. Mrs. Gritten sale, London, 1852. 126. A Flock of Sheep. De Burtin sale, Brussels, 1819. 133. A Spaniel. Van Loon, Amsterdam, 1834. 147. Horses at the Watering-Place. Hamburg Kunsthalle. 150. Horsemen and Cows. The late C. T. Yerkes, New York. 167. A Wild Boar in a Landscape. D. M'Intosh sale, London, 1857. 177/5. Head of a Young Bull. Holford sale, London, 1893. 1651. 5. Two Sportsmen at an Inn. Buckingham Palace, London. 17. Two Cows. J. van der Linden van Slingeland sale, Dordrecht, 1785. 38. Four Cows in a Meadow. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. 75. Landscape with Cattle. National Gallery, London. 95. The Young Milkmaid. Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg. lOlb. A Woman milking a Cow. Willet Adye sale, London, 1871. 1 02. The Milkmaid. R. Napier sale, London, 1877. 117. Two Cows, and Figures. J. van der Linden van Slingeland sale, Dordrecht, 1785. 1 1 8. Shepherds and their Flocks. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. 140. Horses being ridden to Pasture. The late Baron Alphonse de Rothschild, Paris. 157. A Man outside a Stable (Rustic Manners). Schwerin Museum. 173. Head of a Sheep. Trimolet Museum, Dijon.