Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/84

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70 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. rushes down a steep place in the centre and flows to the front. The left bank is harshly lighted. On the right bank are lofty trees. On the left, farther back, is a dense wood. In the centre distance is the bright sky. Signed ; panel, 20 inches by 1 7 inches. In the collection of Lord Haldon, London, 1891. In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer, " Catalogue of 300 Paintings," 1898, No. 170. In the collection of Berthold Richter, Berlin. 205*. NORWEGIAN WATERFALL. It rushes down over steep cliffs. To right and left are the banks with pine trees. In the distance are hill -tops enveloped in cloud. To the left are two artists sketching. The figures are probably by another hand. Signed in full on the right ; canvas, 42 inches by 37 inches. Exhibited at Berlin, 1890, No. 255. In the collection of James Simon, Berlin. 206. A WATERFALL WITH A CASTLE ON A HILL. Sm. 328, and Suppl. 107. A waterfall fills the whole foreground. The water flows forward, with masses of rock to right and left and in the centre. A withered tree-trunk lies in the water in front. In the middle distance, to right and left, are lofty cliffs ; the left-hand cliff is crowned with a castle. On the left bank is a tree. [Pendant to 207.] Signed in full in the right centre ; canvas, 40 inches by 34 inches. Mentioned by Riedel, Beitr'dge, p. 387. Engraved by C. Haldenwang. Acquired for the Ducal collection in 1738. In the Salzdahlum Gallery. In the Brunswick Gallery, 1900 catalogue, No. 3770. 207. A WATERFALL IN TWO CASCADES. Sm. 227, 329, and Suppl. 1 06. Half-way up the picture is a waterfall, divided by a mass of rock in the centre into two parts. To the right is a stony bank with a small tree. To the left is a bank covered with underwood, amid which stands a lofty oak. In front the waterfall forms a second cascade rushing down amid many rocks. Beyond the stream is a wood, with shepherds and their flocks. Beyond this again are two partly wooded hills, on the nearer of which are a round tower and other buildings. Cloudy sky. [Pendant to 206.] Signed in full on the right at foot ; canvas, 40 inches by 34 inches. Mentioned by Riedel, Beitrage, p. 387. Engraved by C. Haldenwang, 1829. Acquired for the Ducal collection in 1738. In the Salzdahlum Gallery. In the Brunswick Gallery, 1900 catalogue, No. 378. 208. A WATERFALL NEAR A CASTLE. In the centre of a hilly landscape are a waterfall and a cottage with a roof partly of thatch and partly of tiles. In front are two small figures. On a high hill in the distance is a castle with a round tower.