Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/87

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xni JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 73 tance, forms a small waterfall in the middle distance, and then rushes over a larger waterfall, divided in two by a mass of rock, in the immediate foreground. On the right bank, covered with underwood, two tree- trunks lie with their ends in the water. On the left is a high rocky bank with bushy trees and a fir high up above. In the centre is a broad bank with leafy trees and firs ; in front is a cottage with people convers- ing at the door. Beyond on a high wooded hill is a castle. The sky is partly overclouded. Signed in full on the left at foot ; canvas, 39^ inches by 34 inches. Mentioned by Goethe in Ruisdael als Dichter (" Ruisdael as Poet "). Acquired for Dresden by Morell in 1740. In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1495. 215. A WATERFALL WITH A WOODEN BRIDGE.- The waterfall fills the whole width of the foreground. It rushes over masses of rock to the front. On the right bank is a withered tree-trunk. On the left is a great oak, among many other trees. In the middle distance is a bridge ; two men and some sheep cross to the left. Light clouds in the sky. [Pendant to 216.] Signed in full on the left at foot j canvas, 26^ inches by 21 inches. In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1497. 216. THE WATERFALL IN FRONT OF THE WOODED SLOPE. From the left middle distance flows a stream, which forms a little waterfall, then broadens so as to fill almost the whole width of the picture, and rushes down foaming over masses of rock to the foreground. On the left lies a tree-trunk with its end in the water ; on the right is a little piece of the steep bank. Beyond the stream is gently rising ground with an oak-wood, in which are men and sheep. In the left distance is another wood. Light clouds in the sky. [Pendant to 215.] Signed in full on the right at foot ; canvas, 27 inches by i inches. Etched by Krostewitz. In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1498. 217. A HILL WITH AN OAK WOOD, AND A LITTLE WATERFALL. A high hill, clothed with oaks on one side, fills more than the left half of the picture. Towards the front the rocky slope is only a little overgrown with bushes. To the left, in front of the trees, are three figures ; in the centre foreground sits a shepherd with a blue coat and a black hat and a stick in his left hand. In front of him a little brook flows down in cascades ; near it are sheep and goats. To the right is a view of green forest and a blue distance. Light clouds in the sky. The figures are by Ruisdael himself. Signed with the monogram on the left at foot ; panel, 15 inches by 2o| inches. Etched by Bruder after the drawing by J. P. Veith. In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1499. 2 1 8. THE WATERFALL WITH THE FIR TREE. Sm. 231. In a wooded valley a brook, coming from the right distance, flows