Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/9

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TRANSLATOR'S NOTE As in the first, second, and third volumes, the translator has, from personal observation, or with the assistance of others, been able to amplify the descriptions of a number of pictures in British collections, and to note changes of ownership that have occurred since the German text was printed. The translator has again added an index of the painters and engravers mentioned in the text, as in the two preceding volumes. It is the translator's pleasant duty to thank Sir Charles- Holroyd, Director of the National Gallery ; Mr. Hawes Turner, Keeper of the National Gallery ; Mr. D. S. MacColl, Keeper of the Wallace Collection ; Mr. James L. Caw, Director of the Scottish National Galleries ; Mr. Martin Hardie, of the Victoria and Albert Museum ; Mr. Thomas Rennie, Curator of the Glasgow Art Gallery ; Herbert Cook, Esq. ; Messrs. Thomas Agnew and Sons, and Mr. D. S. Meldrum for their courteous advice and assistance in the pre- paration of this volume. EDWARD G. HAWKE. The translator desires to take this opportunity of correcting the notice of Frans Hals 304, " Portrait of a Man," as it appeared in the English edition, vol. iii. p. 87. There were, in fact, two very similar portraits of men in the Maurice Kann collection. One of these was described by Dr. Hofstede de Groot, but his description was unfortunately taken to refer to the vn