Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/98

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84 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. Bought in London, June 1850, from Phillips by Mawson, for the Marquess of Hertford (for .602 : 35.). In the collection of the Marquess of Hertford, London. In the Wallace Collection, London, 1908 catalogue, No. 56. 252. A WATERFALL. Sm. 129. In the right centre of the middle distance a waterfall rushes down between rocks ; it is divided into two parts by a rock in the centre. The water flows to the left, filling almost the whole foreground. In the water to the left is a large rock. To the right is the rocky bank covered with underwood and bushes. On the left, beside the fall, is a steep hill covered with grass, bushes, and trees, amid which are several cottages. One cottage is on the extreme left, with a woman at the door ; another stands high up the hill ; to the left of it are the roofs of two other cottages. On the slope are two heaps of tree- trunks, one to the right in front of the upper cottage, and the other more to the left and lower down. There are several figures ; a man sketching and a companion sit on the ground near the waterfall. To the right is a view of a hilly landscape with a church. Light clouds in the sky. A "superlative production" (Sm.). Signed in full on a rock in the centre ; canvas, 42 inches by 59 inches. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857, No. 702 ; and at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1871, 1888, No. 67, and 1907, No. 107. Bought from a collection at Alkmaar, about 1810, by Walker (who valued it at 840). In the collection of J. Campbell, London, 1831 ; bought by Sm. (for ^276 : 35.) and sold to Heris of Brussels. In the collection of Baron J. G. Verstolk van Soelen, The Hague, 1835, No. 45 (Sm.) ; acquired as a whole in 1846 by Thomas Baring, H. Mildmay, and S. Jones Loyd (afterwards Lord Overstone). In the collection of Lord Overstone, London. In the collection of Lady Wantage, London, 1905 catalogue, No. 200. 253. A HILLY LANDSCAPE WITH A WATERFALL. Sm. 332, and Suppl. 50. In front and in the middle distance are rocks over which rushes a stream, forming a waterfall. On the bank to the right is a clump of trees. In the middle distance is a castle with a tower amid trees ; on a road leading to the castle are several figures. Beyond is a high hill j farther back are more hills. On the bank to the left is a grey and weather-worn tree-stump. On the right the sun is setting ; on the left rise heavy clouds. [Possibly identical with 328 or 370 or both.] In the collection of the Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbiittel till 1795. Sale. Heris of Brussels, Paris, March 25, 1841, No. 23 (5400 francs). In the collection of Lord Overstone, London, 1857 (Waagen, Suppl. 135). In the collection of Lady Wantage, London, 1905 catalogue, No. 202. 253*. A WOODED LANDSCAPE WITH A WATER- FALL. In the centre is a v/aterfall overhung by gnarled trees. To the left are rocks. The greyish-blue sky is light on the horizon, as seen through the trees. Panel, 20 J inches by i6 inches.