Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/100

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8 4 GERARD TER BORCH SECT. In the collection of B. Suermondt, Aachen ; bought in 1874 by the Berlin Museums. In the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, 1911 catalogue, No. 7916. 245. WILLEM MARIENBURG, Burgomaster of Deventer. Full length. He stands, turned to the right and looking straight before him, beside a table with a red cover on which lies his hat. He has long wavy hair and a small moustache. He wears a white collar, a black cloak and breeches, and holds his gloves in his left hand. Greenish-grey back- ground. [Pendant to 246.] Canvas, 32 inches by 26 inches. See Moes, Iconographia Batava, No. 4812, I . In the Bols collection, Deventer (Moes) ; sold from it in 1869. In the collection of Prince Liechtenstein, Vienna ; given by Prince Johann II. in 1890 to the Rudolfinum. In the Rudolfinum, Prague. 246. GEERTRUIDA ASSINCK, wife of Willem Marienburg. Full length. She stands, turned to the left and looking straight before her, beside a red velvet chair. She has brown curls, ear-rings, and a pearl necklace. She wears a black dress over a white gown cut very low. She rests her right hand on the back of the chair ; her left hand holds up her skirt. Greenish-grey background. [Pendant to 245.] Canvas, 32 inches by 26 inches. See Moes, Iconographia Batava, No. 230. In the Bols collection, Deventer (Moes) ; sold from it in 1869. In the collection of Prince Liechtenstein, Vienna ; given by Prince Johann II. in 1890 to the Rudolfinum. In the Rudolfinum, Prague. Mary Stuart I., wife of William II. of Orange. See Henrietta Maria (235). Mary Stuart II., wife of William III. of Orange. [See 277.] Geertniyd Matthysen, wife of Gerard ter Borch. [See 205.] 247. ANTONI MENNINCK (1626-1671), Burgomaster of Deventer. Half-length. He is seen almost in full face, turned a little to the right, and looks at the spectator. He is in a plain black costume, with a flat collar and a black hat. He has long brown curls, a small moustache, and a tuft on his chin. He has blue eyes and a strong under- jaw. [Cf. the portrait group of "The Magistrates of Deventer" (455).] Panel, u inches by 10 inches. In the collection of L. Nardus, Suresnes. $& P. W r and others, Amsterdam, June 30, 1909, No. 2 (2650 florins, Goudstikker). In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Brunner. 248. HARTOG MOERKERKEN (1622-1694), with his wife Sybille, born Nijkerken (1625-1665), and his infant son Philippus (1652-1688). On the right stands the father, in black. He has long