Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/103

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xvii GERARD TER BORCH 87 Half-length. She is turned a little to the right. Her hair is smooth on top, and falls to right and left over her temples. She wears a broad gauze collar over another collar fringed with broad lace. She has a knot of ribbon at her breast, and wears pearls in her hair and round her neck. See Moes, Iconographia Batava, No. 6651, 3. Engraved by P. Holsteyn, 1646. In the collection of Mr. M. I. Ridder Pauw van Wieldrecht, Broekhuizen, near Leersum, 1909 catalogue, No. 123. 256. COUNT DE PENERANDA, Spanish Envoy at the Peace of Westphalia. Half-length. He is seen in full face, looking straight before him. He has short curly hair and a Spanish beard, and is bare- headed. He wears a stiff collar, a costume embroidered with silver, and the red ribbon of an order. The picture belongs to the same period as " The Peace of Minister " (6). In spite of its small size, it is well and broadly painted. Copper, 4 inches by 3^ inches. Exhibited at The Hague, 1903, No. 7 ; and in Paris, 1911, No. 155. In the collection of Pastor Kremer, Paris ; bought from him (for 200 francs). In the collection of E. Warneck, Paris. 257. Vopiscus Fortunatus Plemp (1601-1671), Physician at Amsterdam and Professor at Louvain. Half-length, in an oval frame. He is turned three-quarters left, and looks at the spectator. He has long hair, a moustache, and a tuft on his chin. His coat is fastened with a long row of buttons ; the sleeves have wide slashes running lengthwise. He wears a narrow soft collar with two tassels. Painted in 1648. See Moes, Iconographia Batava, No. 5959, 2. The original is lost. Described from the engraving by P. Pontius. 258. LAMBERT QUADACKER (1609-16 ), Burgomaster of Deventer. Full length. He sits, turned to the right, in his library and looks at the spectator. His hair falls on his shoulders. He wears a long white satin robe and has a white scarf round his neck. He rests his right hand on his hip, and holds a book in his left hand. Beside him to the right is a table with a cloth, on which lie writing materials and a large open volume. In the background are books. Signed with the monogram ; canvas, 29^ inches by 24 inches. See Moes, Iconographia Batava, No. 61 1 1. Exhibited at Dtisseldorf, 1904, No. 389. Sale. Houck of Deventer, Amsterdam, May 7, 1895, No. 53 (1550 florins, Michel). In the collection of the late St. C. Michel, Mainz. Freda Quadacker, wife of the Burgomaster Gos. Hogers. [See 237.] 259. Aletta Ravensberg (1635-1677), wife of Vice-Admiral J. van Nes.