Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/106

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90 GERARD TER BORCH SECT. Bequeathed by Gesina tcr Borch in 1690 to the three children of Sybrand Schellinger. 269. JAN SIX (1618-1700), Lord of Wimmenum and Vromade, Burgomaster of Amsterdam. Half-length. He is turned to the left and looks at the spectator. He has a slight moustache and long curly hair falling on his shoulders. He wears a tall felt hat. Over his cape he wears a white turned-down collar. On the back of the portrait is inscribed : "te Romen geschildert Anno 1640." [Pendant to 375.] Oval, on gold, 4 inches by 3 inches. See Moes, Iconographia Satava, No. 7228, I ; and Oud Ho/land, iv. 152. Exhibited at Amsterdam, 1876; in the Vondel Exhibition, Amsterdam, 1879 ; and at Amsterdam, 1899, No. 143. In the collection of J. Six, Amsterdam. 270. Slingeland. A portrait coming from the Slingeland family. Sa/e. The Hague, June 8, 1826, No. 183. 2700. Adriaen Sticke (about 1600-1664), Lord of Breskens, Poet. The original is lost. Eulogised in verse by A. Moonen, Poezij, 672. See Moes, Iconographia Batava, No. 7590. Stuart. See Mary Stuart I. and II. (235, 277). HERMANNA VAN SUCHTELEN, born VAN DER CRUYSSE. [See 221.] 271. Johannes Versijden Jansz (died in 1670). Half-length, facing left. In a grey cloak, a black hat, and a close-fitting collar. Oval copper, 3^ inches by 2| inches. Exhibited in the Exhibition of Miniatures, Rotterdam, 1910, No. 534. In the Boymans Museum, Rotterdam. 272. FRANCOIS DE VICQ (1646-1707). Three-quarter length. He stands, turned half right, resting his right hand on his hip and holding an ivory-handled cane in his left hand. He has long brown curls and is bare-headed. He is in black, with black lace at his breast and on the upper part of his sleeves. His hat lies on a table with a pink cloth beside him. Signed on the right with the monogram, and dated "Aetatis 24. 1670"; canvas on panel, 15 inches by 12 inches. In the collection of S. Rendorp, Amsterdam ; bequeathed to the Rijks- museum in 1910. In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1911 catalogue, No. 573^. 273. ALETTA PANCRAS (1649-1707), wife of Francois de Vicq. Three-quarter length. She stands, facing three-quarters left. She has fair curls and wears no hat. She has pearls in her ears and round her neck. With both hands she lifts her black dress, showing the white satin petticoat. Her jacket is cut low and trimmed with lace at the top ; it has short sleeves. To the left, on a table with a pink cover, is a black hood.